ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Madhur Jaffrey’s Chicken in a Red Sweet Pepper Sauce Edition

Recently I’ve been craving Indian food for no good reason, and while I’m usually more than happy to simply pick up a hefty order from my favorite local spot (Crown of India — don’t mind the hookers in the parking lot), I’ve decided that this is a cuisine I’d really like to start cooking. I …

VIDEO: See Lisa VanderPump In an ’80s Music Video

When you have a husband with a Duran Duran hairstyle, it’s inevitable that you have a few New Wave skeletons in your closet. Such is the case for Lisa VanderPump, who as it turns out plays the female lead in the video for ABC’s seminal ’80s tune, “Poison Arrow.” Don’t remember the song? Or Lisa’s …

JERSEY SHORE PHOTOCAP: Snooki Desperately Seeks Rock Bottom, Not There Yet

I haven’t posted about the Jersey Shore kids in a few weeks, but I can assure you that you’ve missed nothing. Sure, there was a car accident, and sure there were sapphic moments aplenty, but all in all, this season has been a little dull. I think it’s time to send this bunch of hooligans …

VIDEO: ‘Who’s On Top?’ from SNL

Saturday Night Live returned to the air on Saturday with its 37th season premiere, and with Alec Baldwin serving as host, it was its strongest opener in years (comedy-wise). Almost every skit worked, and even the weakest of the lot provided many laughs. On the downside: Kenan Thompson is still on the show, and Lorne …

Hey, ‘Community’ Premiered Last Night!

Guess what? Community had its third season premiere last night, and judging by the ratings, several of you didn’t watch. That’s probably thanks to the stealth (read: non-existent) marketing campaign to promote the show’s return. Thankfully, my DVR caught the premiere, which featured such highlights as the arrival of John Goodman, a bizarre tribute to …

MB Post in Manhattan Beach Kiiiind of Blows My Mind

When it comes to dining in Los Angeles, I more or less stick to a grid that spans from West Hollywood to Downtown (with many stops in Koreatown in between). It’s not often that I head west to Brentwood or Santa Monica, and it’s even rarer that I head off to the South Bay, a …

RACHEL ZOE PHOTOCAP: Doulas, Kardashians, and Vegas

Like LITERALLY I’m starting to enjoy this season of The Rachel Zoe Project. It was a bit slow at first and entirely too Rodger-centric, but now that professional hanger-on Joey has moved back to LA, we’re witnessing a wonderful power struggle between the gays. Basically, we have Joey, who is quietly catty, territorial, and shifty, …

HOUSEWIFE HOEDOWN, Episode 2-3: Fired Wives, Taylor Armstrong, and More Michaele Salahi

Video streaming by Ustream We recorded another episode of Housewife Hoedown today, and joining me in the studio were Matt Whitfield from Yahoo! and comedian Amy Phillips, whose parody of Rachel Zoe not only took the internet by storm but also landed her a guest spot on The Rachel Zoe Project last year. Anyway, Amy, …