BANTER WITH BEN AND LISA: Episode 36 – Brangelina, Summer Movies, Tan Mom, and D’Angelo!

Need some Banter in your life? Fear not: we have it. This week, Lisa and I cover the usual hodgepodge of pop culture topics, starting with the impending wedding of Brangelina, which then segues into a dicussion about summer movies. The two of us get down and dirty with The Avengers, Battleship, and Prometheus before …

YEA OR NAY: Are You On This Prius Driver’s Side?

A friend posted this odd and kind of hilarious video of an angry Prius driver losing her shit at a couple who apparently have been idling in their diesel truck in a parking spot. On the one hand, the truck driver is being pretty bad to the environment. On the other hand, this Prius driver …

Ashley from ‘Real Housewives of NJ’ Gets In Dustup at Hollywood CVS

This just in! My spies out in the field have texted me this VERY pressing matter: “Spotted: Ashley from NJ hwives at CVS on hwood n la brea being yelled at by security!!! (But they let her go. Dunno wha happened!)” My friend went on to text that she had “bad cake makeup on.” Dunh …

VIDEO: College Student Debunks Rick Santorum To His Face

There’s nothing better than watching an idiot politician get taken down by a humble student. In this case, we have Rick Santorum, who thinks society will fall into decay with the acceptance of gay marriage. He rants that he’s yet to hear a evidence to the contrary… which is where one plucky student chimes in …


Everyone knows I love me some Real Housewives of New York City, and I love me some reunion too. But this madness has reached a new low. I thought last week’s ninety-minute bitchfest represented a new low for the franchise, but it was nothing compared to last night’s parade of squabbling, which managed to make …

January Jones’ Pregnancy Could Be A Problem

There are so many questions swirling around January Jones’s pregnancy: who’s the father? Was it Jason Sudeikis? If it wasn’t Jason Sudeikis, who was she cheating on him with? And why was she having unprotected sex with this person? And why is she so awful? There’s an even more pressing issue at hand though: how …

QUICK HIT: Mel Gibson Levels Anti-Semitic Comment at Winona Ryder

It’s now common knowledge that Mel Gibson is crazy, angry, and prone to impolite bon-mots, but for one star, this was all OLD NEWS. Winona Ryder recently told GQ that she encountered Mellers several years ago at a party, and he not only made anti-Semitic comments, but homophobic ones as well. Who would have thunk …

Spencer Pratt Crashes ‘Hills’ After-Party, Looks CRAZY

I don’t know many details about this, but according to USA Today, Spencer Pratt tried to go to the Hills after party last night in Hollywood. Unsurprisingly, he was turned away at the door. Upon seeing the above photo, Heidi’s reasons for divorce are now massively clear. Why even bother going through ten surgical procedures …

Mel Gibson Is Crazier Than Ever (And Also In Need of Some Cardio)

If Thursday’s Mel Gibson rant wasn’t quiiiiite crazy / scary / disturbing enough for you, well, guess what? You’re in luck! There’s a brand new recording of the superstar, and this time it’s 50% more frightening. This time around, the disgraced actor spends a good seven minutes yelling, berating, and generally acting SCARY AS SHIT …

Mel Gibson Has A Way With Words

Great news! The latest crazy, racist rant from Mel Gibson has surfaced on the Interwebs, and it’s all the psychotic zaniness one could hope for. Mellers delivers us a hefty dose of misogynistic, obnoxious screeds, topped with a cherry of racism. It’s all directed at his now ex-girlfriend/baby-mama Oksana Grigorieva, whose hefty bosom apparently is …