There’s nothing better than watching an idiot politician get taken down by a humble student. In this case, we have Rick Santorum, who thinks society will fall into decay with the acceptance of gay marriage. He rants that he’s yet to hear a evidence to the contrary… which is where one plucky student chimes in and provides it, courtesy of a study by the American Psychological Association. Santorum then soundly rejects said evidence, saying that the APA is a biased group only willing to listen to evidence that supports its own theses. Hmmmm…. sounds familiar?
Entertaining and bloody-boiling all at once. Yay!
I hereby dub thee… “DICK Santorum”. *Zing!*
OMG could you imagine if the zing bot would have walked in that room???
That would have been perfect!
Time Out Time Out Time Out.
Why do I enjoy that the title of this post includes “…to his face” ?
wow! His arguement is that evidence is “proof that people agree with you”? Isn’t that the SAME THING that he’s trying to do with this forum and his campaign in general? Hypocrites prevail in politics. Seeing one get called out on his nonsense is good.
Right on the money ZB. Isn’t the Catholic Church he was referencing just a group of people that agree with each other? When did THAT become scientific?
I’m Catholic and don’t agree entirely with Catholicism. And especially not with this yahoo. In fact, anyone who uses any group (whether it’s religion, race, sex, hair color, etc.) I’m part of as wholly agreeing with their innane ideas annoys me.
Does it annoy anyone else that 1. he couldn’t respect a college student enough to let her speak (well, he claims to have but really doesn’t) and 2. that he never puts down his “I’m making a point” politician hands?
The paragon of understanding these isuses is right here!
Ugh, I wish when he said “A lot of psychologists don’t belong in the APA and a lot of doctors don’t belong in the medical fields” the student said “A lot of politicians don’t belong in the presidential race.” Of course someone who believes god hates gays with no evidence of this just because it may be written in a book thousands of years old won’t believe in evidence that has been studied in the last 30 or 40 years. What a douche.
I love how all of these “politicians” always conveniently forget the words to the pledge of allegiance. Last I checked it said something about liberty and justice for ALL.
Oh yes, clearly the APA and the AMA are some fly-by-night organizations that cannot be trusted. I am suspicious of all groups whose members have years of education, work in research, advanced degrees, intelligence, and professional licenses.
That girl is awesome.
It irks me when people stand behind their religion to justify bigotry! Santorum said something along the lines of “2,000 of years of religious and moral teachings is now bigoted” … like I said, not an exact quote, but the idea is there …
What he fails to mention is thousands of years of religious teaching is also considered bigotry when it comes to:
Slavery – the “CHURCH” actually believed it was proper for one human being to OWN another human being – and could sell them at will – tearing apart families in the process
Subjugation of women – Almost the same as above here. Taught women were the property of their fathers until he sold her to her new owner (aka her husband). Basically taught that husbands couldn’t rape their wives, because it was the woman’s DUTY to have sex when ever the husband demanded it …
Left handers being evil (or demon possessed) until very recently, left handers were FORCED to use their right hands because being left handed was considered demonic (the word sinister is actually derived from the Latin word for “left”. AND ambidextrous actually means “right handed on both sides”. In centuries past, people were hung and burned for being southpaws – the same as “witches”.
Anti-miscegenation – and until 1967 mixed race marriages were ILLEGAL in many states in good old “All people are created equal”.
So it’s not the first time in history (even recent history) that church teachings were found to be bigoted.
I’m sure that there are many other examples but these were the first four that popped into my head.
Sorry, on the last point, some of what I had originally put in was accidentally removed during my sloppy editing LOL – so below, I’ve added it in its entirety.
Anti-miscegenation – and until 1967 mixed race marriages were ILLEGAL in many states in good old “All people are created equal” US of A. Christians and The Church supported the anti-miscegenation laws based on “2,000 of years of religious and moral teachings” of the “Christians” and Biblical teachings. [One of the most laughable Christian arguments was – God put the different races on entirely different continents,therefore, God must have wanted the races to be separate.]
Not every psychologist is a part of the APA, just like not every doctor is a member of the AMA. Does that mean that he would go to a doctor that is NOT part of the AMA, or hire a lawyer that was not part of the ABA? The APA is a group of people that believe that APA, just like the Catholic church is a group of people who believe the Catholic church.
(Reformed cradle-Catholic, here)
A big hello to all my friends here and a happy start of september.
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