The ‘Bed Intruder Song,’ As Sung By Christian Conservatives

The Bed Intruder Song has been the greatest viral hit of the year, and inevitably it has been covered by a cappella groups all across the country — most famously by the N’Harmonics at NYU, whose version has become a hit in its own right (despite some serious vocal shortcomings — listen to it here). …

Sally Jesse Raphael Takes On ‘Jersey Shore’

I’m not sure what possessed former talk show queen Sally Jesse Raphael to release a parody video of Jersey Shore, but the daytime star did it anyway, and I’m happy to report that it’s as bizarre as you’d think it would be. Just about the only thing stranger would be if she were to put …

Thom Pilgrim Takes Questions From The Media

Thom Pilgrim: Press Conference – watch more funny videos Okay, I know I know I know I haven’t posted new content in many a moon, but hopefully this video will be a minor consolation. It’s my friend Scott doing his “Thom Pilgrim” character. Just pretend it was a week ago and thus very timely. New …

Angelina Releases A Song

It’s starting to become tradition that the most awful, runtiest, and/or deplorable woman on a reality show now has to release her own single in hopes of expanding her career beyond the confines of whatever basic cable network she’s stuck on. Of course, these ploys never work. It started with Heidi Montag, and was followed …

VIDEO: Penguins Worship Their Robotic Leader

What happens when you take a robot penguin and stick it in a pen with real penguins? Flappy chaos followed by bizarre order. I don’t know what prompted this prank (aside from the fact that playing pranks on penguins is, like, THE BEST), but it’s from a Japanese show of some sort; so we really …

The Most Amazing Piece of Retro YouTube Junk You’ll See Today

If you’re looking to kill about nine minutes, check out this long lost footage from the 1984 American Music Awards. Back then, the award show sensitively featured categories like “Favorite Black Single” and “Favorite Black Album.” Things have changed a touch since then. Some things, however, are very much the same. Take, for example, Prince, …

Dude Lip Syncs Kristen Wiig, Is Funny

I don’t know what inspired this guy to lip sync along with one of my favorite Saturday Night Live sketches of the past few years (let alone do it half naked), but that’s okay because I love anything remotely concerning Kristen Wiig. I gotta say the video is actually pretty entertaining. Perhaps a Molly Shannon …