I may be an unabashed board game nerd these days, but it’s only because there are so many fun games out there. Truly — it’s a problem. An embarrassment of riches. Just when I think I can ebb the purchasing, another great one comes down the pike, the latest being Iki — a Japanese “game of Edo …

RESTAURANTS ARE FUN: Takara and Sun Ha Jang

I’ve decided to start a new little section of the blog called “Restaurants Are Fun” (name subject to change) to document some of the random spots I go to with my friends (and sometimes enemies, but that is VERY rare). I wouldn’t say these are full on reviews per se, but they’re kind of a …

Scared Panda May Be The Cutest Animal To Ever Exist

From the immense tragedy in Japan comes one small, miniscule silver lining: this photo, which may be the cutest EVER. I don’t normally post cute crap, but I couldn’t resist this. It’s a scared panda hugging his zookeeper’s leg after the earthquake. Let me repeat that. IT’S A SCARED PANDA HUGGING HIS ZOOKEEPER’S LEG AFTER …

VIDEO: Penguins Worship Their Robotic Leader

What happens when you take a robot penguin and stick it in a pen with real penguins? Flappy chaos followed by bizarre order. I don’t know what prompted this prank (aside from the fact that playing pranks on penguins is, like, THE BEST), but it’s from a Japanese show of some sort; so we really …