Bravo aired the second part of its epic Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion special last night, and it continued to be as explosive and ludicrous as the first half. However, the one difference was that while last week’s craziness often felt like “systematic bullying,” as Kelly Bensimon might say, this portion was all classic …

REAL HOUSEWIVES REUNION PHOTOCAP: Crazy Vs. Stupid, Or Just Another Day In Jersey

At long last, Bravo aired the first “supersized” part of its much-anticipated Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion, and let’s just say this: we’ve come a long way, baby. I remember back in the day when a Real Housewives reunion consisted of a few generally polite ladies sitting around a cozy couch in what appeared …


Apologies for not covering last week’s Real Housewives of DC, but the blame can fall on Bravo for oddly neglecting to post screen caps from the episode. It’s too bad, really, as the whole show was full of passive-aggressive sniping and anti-Salahi grousing. Luckily, we had more of the same last night, which totally fine …


The second season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey drew to a close last night with an intense and often frustrating showdown between Danielle and Caroline that seemed to accomplish little beyond giving Bravo some nifty sound bytes for its promos. The idea was that all this “nonsense” between the Manzos and the Staubs …

Danielle Staub Gets Her Dance On

Danielle Staub of The Real Housewives of New Jersey appeared on local New York channel WPIX to perform the dance remix of her new single, “Real Close.” I’ve only gotten about twenty-seven seconds into the clip so far, but the dancing alone is worthy of viewing. Not sure if this was from today or some …

North Jersey Country Club Disavows Itself From ‘The Real Housewives’

We all remember the monumental, hair-pulling brawl that took place on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, and perhaps no one has a more vivid memory of the event than the senior staff at the North Jersey Country Club, the venue for the ill-fated Posche boutique fashion show. Now that the esteemed club has become …

Meet The New ‘Housewives’ of Atlanta!

The Real Housewives of New Jersey may be wrapping up on Monday, but fear not: Bravo has some familiar lady faces for us to get psyched about. That’s right, I’m talking about the one and only Real Housewives of Atlanta, which makes its triumphant return on October 4th. In anticipation of this sacred day on …