Have You Ever Seen A More Shifty-Eyed Dog?

Some poor person has lost their dog, and by all means, I don’t mean to mock that (last time I did that, it turned out I was targeting the missing pooch of Alessandra Ambrosio). However, I must call attention to this “Lost” sign. I don’t think I have ever — outside of a cartoon — …

The ‘Real Housewives’ Head To The Volcano!

That pesky volcano in Iceland is at it again, and now that air travel has been severely impacted by yet another ash cloud, I couldn’t help but think back to a photo gallery of the first eruption that my friend jash had sent me. Browsing through the pictures, I realized it was time for another …

Inside the Nylon Young Hollywood Party

Nylon magazine held a party for “Young Hollywood” last night, and my friend Jenny and her friends managed to wrangle invites for themselves. Jenny got me on the list too, but by the time I got there, the fire marshall had shown up and shut down the line. This was a tragic setback for me …

Pics From Inside the 'Reality Matters' Party

For those of you reading this blog or following my Twitter, you know I’ve been shilling Reality Matters, the reality TV anthology that I have contributed to. Well, last night, there was a party at Les Deux for the book, and so of course I showed up all ready to preen around for the press …

HALLOWEEN 2009: More Goofy Pictures Than One Can Imagine

There’s nothing quite like Halloween on a Saturday, especially in West Hollywood, CA, where over 500,000 people convene to show off their costumes and check out everyone else’s in what usually proves to be the people watching event of the year. And as you all know, if there’s anything I love, it’s people watching. In …

OPEN POLL: Who Intimidates Better?

A curious thought ran through my head today as I glanced at an image of Bea Arthur: who does the “OH REALLY?” face to better effect? Cindy McCain or Dorothy Zbornack? Cindy was the previous champion, but next to Dorothy, she looks almost pleasant. Then again, that glimmer of a smile also suggests a deep, …

The Best of IndianJones

The Los Angeles crew lost a vital member of its community today. And by vital, I mean “stocky, even-keeled, and generally assholish.” Yes, I’m talking about the beloved IndianJones, who is currently driving northward to the icy climes of San Francisco where he has taken a job with Internet giant Yahoo! (exclamation theirs, not mine). …