BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Introducing Super Safari Chenbot

Every season, the Chenbot dazzles us with an outfit so unconventional, so bizarre that it becomes instantly legendary. There was her sparkling astronaut pantsuit one year. And there was her orange jumpsuit another year. Last night, Julie defied expectations and busted out her first ever cape. That’s right: Chenbot wore a CAPE. As in, the …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Drama in Rachel’s Bush

Let me get this straight: we’re only in week two of Big Brother? The amount of scheming and in-fighting early on this season has been quite lovely, and while we’ve yet to see our first giant fight, tension has been brewing, as evidenced by a brief tiff between Rachel and Jeff last night. Yes, the …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The Newbies Need A Helping Hand

It was a Sunday night episode of Big Brother, which meant it wasn’t quite as involved with the drama, but the intrigue with this season has been steadily building. The big news with Thursday’s eviction episode was that Kalia and Shelly voted with the veterans but neither one has ‘fessed up to it to their …

POLL: Regarding the Spelling of Brendon’s Nickname

Last night we learned that Brendon and Rachel have a very special, very private pet name for each other: Booki. Or is it Bookie? Or is it Buki? Which is it? We must standardize this term of endearment so that we can properly mock it. Here are the spelling options: Bookie: This seems to be …


Last night was our first eviction episode on Big Brother, but you wouldn’t have known it based on the drama and intrigue over the course of the hour. We had the Veterans pushing to get Keith out of the house, the Regulators, looking to get Porsche out of the house, and the leftovers simply trying …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Dick Leaves, Daniele Complains, and Intrigue Builds

Waah. I’m still loving this season of Big Brother 13, and the twists have truly been resulting in great scheming right out of the gate. As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve got two big alliances (Newbies vs. Vets) and a tricky little sub alliance (The Regulators), which inadvertently leaves us with a second sub alliance (the …

VIDEO: The Inevitable Homophobic ‘Big Brother’ Dumbledore Debate of the Day

Jeff hates Dumbledore by caseycarlsonx1Via Reality Blurred The first buzz-worthy fight from the Big Brother house emerged last night, and it centered around… Harry Potter? Yup, you heard that correctly. A roundtable discussion of Dumbledore’s sexuality sparked a heated confrontation between Kalia and Jeff, the latter of whom questioned the prudence of writing an allegedly …


We’re already on to our second episode of Big Brother 13, and I continue to be rather happy with the season so far. Since this was a Sunday installment, it was rather low excitement. We only had nominations and a bizarre Have-or-Have-Not competition to keep things interesting, but that being said, I’m enjoying the way …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: This Show Is Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Big Brother is back, and based on the first episode, I think we’re going to have a fun summer. CBS has delivered us eight new contestants and six returning ones, and so far I’m really digging the blend of personalities. We’ve got Shelly, the tough-as-nails mom, who I already love. We also have Cassi, who’s …

10 Dishes for Your ‘Big Brother’ Premiere Party

Big Brother premieres tonight, and chances are that some of you are holding viewing parties. This then begs a very important question: what food to serve the guests? Well, in the interest of being creative, I’ve compiled ten culinary suggestions — some better than others — for your Big Brother premiere parties. Ideas after the …