Now that Bridesmaids is on DVD and BluRay, we’re getting all sorts of fun bonus features leaking their way onto YouTube. Here’s a lengthy scene involving Kristen Wiig’s character having it out with a bratty tween at the jewelry store. Enjoy. Via The Hairpin
Category Archives: Video
VIDEO: See Lisa VanderPump In an ’80s Music Video
When you have a husband with a Duran Duran hairstyle, it’s inevitable that you have a few New Wave skeletons in your closet. Such is the case for Lisa VanderPump, who as it turns out plays the female lead in the video for ABC’s seminal ’80s tune, “Poison Arrow.” Don’t remember the song? Or Lisa’s …
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And Here’s A Video of a Guy Getting A Water Balloon Thrown At His Face In Slow Motion
I could watch slow motion water balloons all day, especially when they fail to burst like in the video above… Via The Daily What
VIDEO: ‘Who’s On Top?’ from SNL
Saturday Night Live returned to the air on Saturday with its 37th season premiere, and with Alec Baldwin serving as host, it was its strongest opener in years (comedy-wise). Almost every skit worked, and even the weakest of the lot provided many laughs. On the downside: Kenan Thompson is still on the show, and Lorne …
Hey, ‘Community’ Premiered Last Night!
Guess what? Community had its third season premiere last night, and judging by the ratings, several of you didn’t watch. That’s probably thanks to the stealth (read: non-existent) marketing campaign to promote the show’s return. Thankfully, my DVR caught the premiere, which featured such highlights as the arrival of John Goodman, a bizarre tribute to …
VIDEO: Man Leads Cringe-worthy Wal-Mart Motivational Chant
Whatever tiny, minuscule shred of curiosity I had about ever working at Wal-Mart has been finally destroyed thanks to the above video. Here’s to hoping none of you have to suffer through equally embarrassing inspirational experiences. Via The Daily What
VIDEO: The Dream Of Many Women, Now Visualized
Ladies, time for some fantasy.
VIDEO: Hey, It’s a Cat Falling In A Bathtub!
I feel kind of bad for this cat… but I’m also snickering. CATS, will they ever learn??? Via The Daily What
VIDEO: Kid Dances to Nicki Minaj in Apple Store
This video is one part mortifying, one part awesome. It’s a tween dancing to “Super Bass” by Nicki Minaj in a crowded Chicago Apple Store. It’s not quite as endearing as that one kid who lipsynched to the Black Eyed Peas in an Apple Store (video sadly removed), but I have to give this footloose …
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VIDEO: Best Taxidermy Commercial Ever (a.k.a. You Must Watch This)
I don’t have any dead animals around, but I sure wish I did after seeing this spot for Ojai Valley Taxidermy starring intrepid taxidermist Chuck Testa. This is amazing. Via The Daily What