QUICK HIT: Guess Who’s Joining The Cast Of Glee? (Hint: It’s Not Gwyneth Paltrow)

The Gleeks were out in force last night on Facebook, unanimously praising the Gwyneth Paltrow episode with exclamation-points and raves. There’s so much buzz about the ep, in fact, that it makes the last buzzworthy Glee moment — an a cappella version of “Teenage Dream” — seem almost like… a dream (perhaps a teenage one). …


Exciting news! This past week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills brought us our first non-sisterly fight of the season, and it was just as awkward and catty as you can imagine! Camille Grammer and Kyle Richards tried to clear the air about a perceived comment regarding Camille’s appeal without Kelsey. The issue …

Catch a Glimpse of Kyle Richards As A Teen

We all know Kyle Richards from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was a child star, but what people may forget was that she was featured on the bizarro ’80s sitcom Down To Earth, which focused on a ghost flapper / maid from the ’20s who teaches valuable life lessons to a modern family. Not …

REAL HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Dancing With The Divorcées

After last week’s near Sherayay-free episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, I’m proud to report that our favorite divorcée was back front and center on last night’s show. A local charity fundraiser had called upon Ms. Whitfield to perform in an event called “Dancing Stars of Atlanta,” which afforded the budding thespian a chance …

Second Meeting With Ina Garten Proves To Be Short and Sweet

Two years ago, I stood in line for many hours all for the opportunity to meet Ina Garten during a signing for her cookbook Back to Basics. Well, now she has a new book out (How Easy Is That?), and of course, that meant she was back in town to meet and greet the fans …

SHILL TIME: Katie Has A Reality Show!

IndianJones, Katie, and I me. Gray is so HOT right now. Exciting news: our old friend Katie from TVgasm has just landed her very own reality show on the TV Guide Network! We all know what this means: brrrrragggg central! But seriously, Katie is a major character, and I have no doubt she’ll be hilarious …

QUICK HIT: 50 Cent Duets With Keenan Cahill

For some reason I really like the pairing of Chelsea Handler and 50 Cent, especially when it yields even stranger pairings, such as 50 Cent with Internet sensation Keenan Cahill. The two joined forces on Chelsea Lately to perform an endearing lipsynch together, replete with choreographed head turns. Video and further details available here: Socialite …


There are some annual traditions that we Americans love: July 4th, Thanksgiving, Arbor Day. Add to that list Bravo’s yearly airing of Kim Zolciak trying to sing a song. Yes, Kim has become the McRib of Bravo — a special treat we’re allowed to enjoy but once a year even though we probably shouldn’t partake …