I dedicate this video to my friend Malibu Judie, who just adores owls. I think she’ll find that the above clip is a HOOT. (Oh, I kill me!) Via The Daily What
Category Archives: Video
VIDEO: A Wednesday Morning News Blooper
An oldie but goodie. Reporter Joyce Evans tells us what’s really on her mind once she thinks the cameras are off. Via The Daily What
VIDEO: Meet Sweet Pea, Your Everyday Crime-Fighting Super Dog
I love the random crap that the Internet spews out every day (I am a happy supplier of said crap. Have you seen my Carol of the Meows yet?). Here’s a nifty video called Adventures of Sweet Pea, which follows the exciting travails of a superhero dog named Sweet Pea. At first I was a …
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VIDEO: Catvertising Is Here.
I am such a sucker for cat videos that even deliberate viral bait like the video above works on me… which is appropriate since the clip is all about how easily won over we are by cat videos. Honestly, the mere presence of a cat makes me laugh at this point. Via Vulture Thanks JASH.
I Liked Horsebot 3000
Once again, the last forty-five seconds of Community upstaged the rest of the episode. Introducing: Horsebot 3000.
VIDEO: Animals Really ARE Assholes, Aren’t They?
Here’s a fun little video that compiles all the other fun little videos of animals “being dicks.” The only thing that’s missing is that one cat who knocked a computer monitor onto its owner’s face. Ah. Good times. Via The Daily What
I don’t normally post about politics here (I’m already asleep), but last night’s Rick Perry gaffe at the umpteenth Republican debate was kiiiiind of amalzing. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the minute of awkwardness above. Sort of funny, sort of sad. I’m still cringing. Oops.
Nightmare Time! Watch Darren Aronofsky’s Anti-Meth PSA
Hey, you know what could be fun? An anti-meth PSA by Darren Aronofsky. Surely nothing about it will be haunting! Nothing at all!!! Enjoy the video!!!!!!! Three more charmingly intense PSAs at The Daily What
GTA V Trailer Is Here!
Here’s something I missed last week: the new trailer for GTA V. How excited am I? Oh, just a touch.
YEA OR NAY: Are You On This Prius Driver’s Side?
A friend posted this odd and kind of hilarious video of an angry Prius driver losing her shit at a couple who apparently have been idling in their diesel truck in a parking spot. On the one hand, the truck driver is being pretty bad to the environment. On the other hand, this Prius driver …
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