Why Yes, I AM The Guy Who Blogged About Sugar in Traffic

Of the many things that happened on tonight’s Survivor finale, the least expected was not The Suze’s near upset for the million dollars but rather Sugar’s reference to this here blog on NATIONAL TV DURING PRIMETIME. Yay! Granted, she didn’t state the site’s name, but unless I’m mistaken, I’m the only one who has blogged …

Dumb 'Survivor: Gabon' Sighting of the Day

I’m very pleased that my one solitary journey out of the apartment today resulted in a close encounter with none other than Survivor: Gabon’s chief strategical mastermind, Sugar. Yes, I was in the presence of The Great Brain, and only a few blocks from my pad. The exciting brush with extreme intelligence happened at a …

You Heard It Here First: There's NOTHING Redeeming About Africa!

One of the criminal oversights of this blog has been my total lack of Survivor coverage this season. This does not reflect the quality of the season, but merely my middling work ethic, which has waned a bit in the post Big Brother months. Nevertheless, Gabon has been a solid addition to the franchise, with …

EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Fox Reality Channel "Really" Awards

I’ve had quite the run of exclusive experiences of late: a meet and greet with Julie Chen, a visit to The Soup, a stroll through the Gossip Girl set, and of course, back to back infiltrations of the Big Brother finale and wrap party. Am I bragging? Indeed. (Somebody’s gotta drum up traffic around here). …

SWEET SIXTEEN: Ranking The 'Survivor' Seasons

Now that Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites is over, I can get started with my favorite semiannual tradition: ranking the seasons. It’s a task that seems to get more difficult every year. So many special moments, so many blindsides, so many colorful characters. How to prioritize them all? I can try to explain my thinking, but …

Most Random Moment of 'Survivor' Finale Night

We’ve seen a lot of crazy, deranged, unhinged, emotional, and flat-out bizarre moments at the final Survivor jury, but never one like this. Scratch that: never two like these. The first, which I’ve clipped above, is Natalie’s mildly seductive, completely random question about Parvati’s sex life. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was …