Check It Out: TV Banter!

Hey everyone. Cool news from the world of the Interwebs. I’m going to be hosting a videocast for Talk Media Networks where I talk about — you guessed it: TV! We’ve only done one show, and it’s all a bit rough around the edges, but that’s sort of the way online shows go. I’m sure …

Ep. 09: Banter with Ben and Lisa

Hey all. Lisa and I are back with another wonderful podcast, and on this episode of Banter with Ben and Lisa, we cover a wild variety of topics, including 30 Rock, Top Chef: Just Desserts, and Modern Family. We also take on a variety of non-TV related subjects, such as bears, whales, my dark theatrical …

Testing Out The ‘Modern Family’ Chocolate Milk Trick

Everyone I’ve spoken to has agreed that last week’s Modern Family season premiere was something of a disappointment. In fact, just about the only thing noteworthy from the episode was an amusing sequence involving Manny’s friend recommending adding a pinch of salt to his glass of chocolate milk. This eventually led to a scene with …