ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: When Bad Things Happen To Good Peppers

Not all my Adventures in Domesticity are winners. Take, for example, this very simple stuffed pepper recipe from Martha Stewart’s website. It calls for bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, basil, ground pepper, and olive oil. Can’t go wrong with that, right? A few pics after the jump…

ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Black Friday Chocolate Soufflé Edition

This past Friday, while the rest of America was fighting over $2 waffle irons at Wal-Mart, my friend Esi (of Dishing Up Delights), Esi’s sister, and I went hiking instead. The three of us trekked up to the world famous Hollywood sign at sunset, which was kind of like the most spectacular thing ever, but …

Martha Stewart Shows Off Her Ass on ‘The Fabulous Beekman Boys’

I seriously think I have to start watching The Fabulous Beekman Boys. I don’t know why I’m not already DVRing it. In this preview clip from next week’s show, the guys head to Martha Stewart’s Katonah estate to deliver some goats. Snarky observations about her barn ensue. They had me at “lemons.” (If nothing else, …

Ep. 09: Banter with Ben and Lisa

Hey all. Lisa and I are back with another wonderful podcast, and on this episode of Banter with Ben and Lisa, we cover a wild variety of topics, including 30 Rock, Top Chef: Just Desserts, and Modern Family. We also take on a variety of non-TV related subjects, such as bears, whales, my dark theatrical …

Ep. 08: Banter with Ben and Lisa

We took a little break for a few weeks, but Banter with Ben and Lisa is back! On this week’s show, Lisa and I let the banter blender whir out of control as our discussion of Jersey Shore quickly spirals into a free-for-all gabfest about Martha Stewart, Mariah Carey, Step Up 3D, helicopters, infomercials, and …


Major dramz on The City! Whitney and Roxy got into a huge fight, and now it looks like the roomies will be going their separate ways! It all started when Roxy was tasked with making sure a Canadian popstar named LIGHTS would wear a piece from the Whitney Eve line during a concert. I had …