Recently on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, fashion magnate and occasional British person Dorit Kemsley launched her new swimwear line, curiously named Beverly Beach by Dorit (né NAVA). It’s a bold new direction for Ms. Kemsley, who has previously lit sartorial circles aflame with such iconic looks as The Golden Bird Poop and Purple …
Category Archives: Amusing Photos
PRESSING QUESTION: Is This Man Smiling or Frowning?
There are many pressing questions in this world: is Carnival Cruise Lines actually run by carnies? Is Carnie Wilson related to Owen and Luke? And does Owen get jealous that it’s called Luke warm and not Owen warm? I know what you’re saying: “Ben, you are INSIDE MY BRAIN.” Well, you’re welcome. But I’d like …
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15 Hopeless Places Rihanna May Have Found Love In
Rihanna’s latest ubiquitous hit, “We Found Love,” boasts of finding love in a hopeless place. This has left listeners pondering many questions, chief among them: what sort of hopeless place was Rihanna talking about? After the jump, a list of potential hopeless locales where Rihanna may have found love against the odds…
PHOTO: Young Teresa and Joe Gorga Hit The Jersey Shore
Before there was Snooki and The Situation, there were Teresa and Joe Gorga, a feuding brother and sister duo who at one point were very close… and very tan. I don’t know what’s most impressive: Teresa’s fashion sense (she looks like she got tangled in some sort of leopard-print duct tape dispenser) or her voluminous …
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Another Intriguing Behind-The-Scenes Image from ’30 Rock’
Once again, I’m left wondering (in the best possible way) what could possibly be going on here in this behind-the-scenes photo from 30 Rock. Post your suggestions.
Best Facebook Update of the Day
What happens when you can’t find a parking spot at Warner Bros? Looks like my friend found a solution…
Martha Stewart Is Going To Have An Exciting Afternoon
Martha Stewart just posted this pic from her Twitter feed with the caption, “We are in north miami beach. Which of these places should I patronize? Really looking for lunch.” Sounds like Martha has some fun times ahead of her…
Epic Halloween Weekend Leads To Annual Batch of Embarrassing Photos
People might not realize this, but Halloween in Los Angeles can be a crazy, crazy experience, and this past weekend was no exception. Luckily, my friends and I always seem to have a camera on hand, which means much of the ridiculousness can be documented. Sadly, we did miss some vital pics — such as …
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My Random ‘Strangers With Candy’ Cameo
Ten years ago, I was a lowly intern on Strangers with Candy, the cult-comedy series on Comedy Central that aired for three seasons. It was a pretty thankless job, but there were occasional perks. One day, in fact, the powers that be had me serve as a classroom extra for a few scenes, which meant …
The Wide Range Of Emotions That Is ‘The Bachelorette’ Finale
I don’t watch The Bachelorette. Nor do I watch The Bachelor. In fact, I kind of hate both shows. However, last night my friend Jenny came knocking on my door in dire straits: her Bachelorette viewing party had imploded, and now she desperately needed somewhere to watch the finale. Being the friendly and welcoming person …
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