RACHEL ZOE PREVIEW: Rachel's Lungs Are Shutting It Down

LITERALLY, she can’t breathe. OMG, this is a pulminarysaster! There’s a new episode of The Rachel Zoe Project on tonight, and with Rachel heading to Paris with Brad, it looks like we’ll be in for more over dramatic proclamations than ever before (the question “Did you just have a fashion orgasm?” is posed in one …

Explosion on the Set of 'Top Chef!' Fingernails Possibly Scalded

The battery pack on a microphone exploded into flames on the set of Top Chef — a freak accident which was thankfully captured on camera by the dutiful crew of the culinary reality show. It’s sort of cool to watch; although, the fact that Bravo treats it like lost footage from The Hurt Locker kind of …

Tim Gunn Says Hello to B-Side Blog, Sort Of

Last week during Fashion Week in NYC, my friend Meeshie managed to find herself in an exclusive little party with none other than Tim Gunn, the lovable and articulate sartorial guru from Project Runway. Well, the two of them apparently struck up a conversation, and eventually, it led to the nifty little video above. Here’s …

Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler Go To Town On Kanye West

Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler once again returned to their “REALLY!?!” bit last night on Saturday Night Live Update Thursday, and this time their target was Kanye West (as well as some digs at Joe Wilson and Serena Williams). The results, as usual, were pretty amusing (although nothing will ever top the original Michael Vick …

Rachel Zoe Goes Grocery Shopping

I’ve always wondered what Rachel Zoe is like grocery shopping. Actually, scratch that. I saw her once puttering about the aisles of Trader Joe’s, and it was relatively uneventful; so… so much for that introductory sentence. Nevertheless, here’s comedian Amy Phillips doing an impersonation of Zoe meandering about a Vons. It’s pretty much dead on. …