Tim Gunn Says Hello to B-Side Blog, Sort Of

Last week during Fashion Week in NYC, my friend Meeshie managed to find herself in an exclusive little party with none other than Tim Gunn, the lovable and articulate sartorial guru from Project Runway. Well, the two of them apparently struck up a conversation, and eventually, it led to the nifty little video above.
Here’s Meeshie’s explanation of the clip (don’t mind the exclamation points):

We made this for you specifically!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said he knew tvgasm, so he agreed to make this video for you! … btw, keep in mind that i have never seen his show so i had no idea about his “catch phrase”! he caught me so off guard! i said if you posted it on your blog that we would send him the link for him to see it and so he could know your new blog! i told him the name of it but i doubt if he remembers.

So there you have it. And I think it goes without saying that Meeshie is looking lovely in the video.

10 replies on “Tim Gunn Says Hello to B-Side Blog, Sort Of”

  1. Wowzer! I was hoping for a “Hello B-Side, kindly meet me down at Red Lobster at 6 o’clock sharp. It’s just so Sturm und Drang around here, I need some cheddar biscuits!” But how fantastic was that anyway? And Michelle, please catch up on Project Runway! See ya on season 3!

  2. Meeshie is too adorable. Covering her unfamiliarity by cheerfully repeating “Make it work” was wonderful.
    Tim Gunn – I love you as much as I loathe Wendy Pepper. And that’s alot.

  3. The love I have for Tim Gunn is equal to the love I have for Stacy and Clinton, which as everyone knows is a LOT. Meeshie did great!

  4. So is Meesh like the “civilian mascot” for the B-Side Blog? I love how she’s become this sort of character on here…

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