Craigslist Missed Connections, Dramatized

Check this out, people. My friend Rich sent me a link to a new project he’s working on with his production company. It’s a web series based on real life craigslist missed connections called, well, Missed Connections. In this video, Rich himself plays a hunky gardener who attracts the eye of his lustful neighbor. It’s …

Australia’s Next Top NOT Model

Ever wonder what would happen if Ryan Seacrest read the wrong results on the American Idol finale? Or if the wrong picture flashed on the screen during the coronation of America’s Next Top Model? Well, the latter situation pretty much happened on the live finale of Australia’s Next Top Model. Let’s just say it was… …


I think it’s safe to say that I am not a particularly strong or flexible person, which is why yoga may not be a perfect fit for me (check out my first time here). Nevertheless, that didn’t stop my friend Meeshie from trying to teach me a move called “Crow.” She videotaped my pitiful attempt, …

1987 Jason Bateman Wants You To Turn Down Your Boom Box

A wise man once said that some people are born from a boom box. Clearly, that’s not the case with Jason Bateman, who in this 1987 PSA advises against playing the loud radios in public. It’s a funny little bit of vintage Bateman, but quite frankly, it’s the peace brokered by the feuding boom box …

MUST WATCH: Finally, An ‘Amazing Race’ Clip For Our Inner-Gallagher

The Amazing Race may have finally lost the Emmy for Outstanding Reality Competition, but that doesn’t mean it’s not outstanding anymore. Take, for example, the clip above, which CBS leaked from the upcoming seventh season. This is a FAIL if there ever was one. Via Reality Blurred

Danielle Staub Gets Her Dance On

Danielle Staub of The Real Housewives of New Jersey appeared on local New York channel WPIX to perform the dance remix of her new single, “Real Close.” I’ve only gotten about twenty-seven seconds into the clip so far, but the dancing alone is worthy of viewing. Not sure if this was from today or some …

JUST BECAUSE: A Deleted ‘Arrested Development’ Scene

It’s been a good day, and good days call for The Lucilles. I of course am referring to the Lucilles Bluth and Austero, seen in the above deleted scene from Arrested Development. This clip has been lingering about the Internets for some time, and who knows — maybe I even posted about it already. But …