This is a few months old, but an amusing watch nonetheless. Just wanted to put up some content while I work on my Big Brother and Survivor photocaps!
Category Archives: Video
VIDEO: Conan Apologizes For Bovine Suicide Joke
Earlier this week, Conan O’Brien aired a gag about a cow committing suicide, causing some uproar amongst the “agricultural community.” Conan attempted to apologize for his lapse in taste last night, but things quickly went awry…
VIDEO: This Child Has Something Important To Say
This video will either: a) Affirm your love for children. b) Affirm your hatred for children. Either way, it’s funny. Via The Daily What
The Poignant 9/11 Tribute From Hooters We Always Needed
The ten year anniversary of September 11th occurred just two days ago, and amidst all the heartfelt, moving, and emotional tributes to those who perished on that day, we almost missed this — the most poignant video of them all. Grab your tissue box. Via Paul Scheer
VIDEO: More Old People Confused by Webcams
There’s nothing quite as endearing as watching a cute old couple attempting to learn new technology. Check out this silly duo as they struggle with the finer nuances of a webcam. Via The Daily What
VIDEO: These Play-By-Play Announcers Are Just a Tad Excited
Imagine watching a soccer game, listening to the sportscaster scream “GOAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!” and then multiplying that excitement by 100. That’s roughly the energy level you’ll find in the above clip. Clearly, this is a lesson in understatement. Via The Daily What
VIDEO: Guuuurl, It’s Beauty and the Beast!
Imagine Belle from Beauty and the Beast as a sassy gay man. Or just watch the above clip. Thanks for the clip, Richard!
VIDEO: Private Moments with Rachel Zoe and Her Baby
Now that Rachel Zoe has spawned, we can only imagine what sort of mother she must be. Thankfully, our curiosity can be sated. Check out the above video, which offers us a very personal glimpse into Rachel’s new life as a mom….
VIDEO: ‘Twilight’ in Four Seconds
It will take you longer to read this description than to watch the video above, which does a pretty solid job of summing up the Twilight series in four scant seconds. Via The Daily What
BREAKING: Madonna LOATHES Hydrangeas
Pity the unlucky supplicant who thought he could curry favor with Madonna by offering her an egregious bouquet of hydrangeas. Turns out that Madge detests the flowers. Bitchiness ensues. Via D-Listed