You guys, Dorothy and Cooper are totes over! If you have no idea who I’m talking about, don’t worry. I don’t know either. But when I tuned in to a random episode of RichKids of Beverly Hills, I knew I had to, like, totally hashtag recap it. For the uninitiated, RKOBH follows the highs and …

WATCH WHAT CRAPPENS #140: Ghetto Superstars

Ronnie Karam (TrashTalkTV) and Ben Mandelker (bsideblog) are here to talk crap about the final RHONY Reunion, the brawl repercussions on RHONJ, the Tamra confrontation on RHOC and the idiotic wedding/cancer walk drama on Game of Cows. Join us!

WATCH WHAT CRAPPENS #139: Weave It To Beaver

The Bravo gods keep showering us with gifts — this time in the form of weave-tugging Jersey girls and Australian drag queens. Yes, we cover all the brawling, the cattiness, and the butterfly releases that happened on Bravo this week. Come listen as Ben Mandelker ( and Ronnie Karam ( tackle “Game of Crowns,” “Real …


Well, we’re about halfway through Big Brother 16, and I’m continuing to love this cast, which is a good thing because the gameplay hasn’t been exactly thrilling. Don’t get me wrong: there’s been some great drama — obviously starting with Devin and followed by the Caleb-Amber-Cody love triangle. But with Devin and Amber evicted from …

WATCH WHAT CRAPPENS #138: Concernings

Ronnie Karam (TrashTalkTV) and Ben Mandelker (bsideblog) are back for another week to snark on the Real Housewives of New York Reunion, The Real Housewives of Orange County’s tearing down of Tamra, Real Housewives of New Jersey’s newest idiot drama queens, and the wenches on Game of Crowns worrying about getting killed by the mob …

WATCH WHAT CRAPPENS #137: Going Out On A Limb

Ben Mandelker ( and Ronnie Karam ( tackle all the death threats, backstabbing, and leg throwing on Bravo, starting with the Real Housewives of NYC season finale. Aviva threw her leg, and the world scratched its head. Then it’s on to the latest brawl in Orange County, followed by more hilariously deplorable behavior on Game …


Few things have been as bizarre as Jocasta’s speaking in tongues on Sunday’s Big Brother. However, in an episode short on drama, we certainly had many record-scratching moments. There was Jocasta, of course, who has emerged as a slightly deranged woman of God. When not busting out a funky “d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dd” rapture, she’s lately been prone …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Knock-Knock-Knockin’ on Devin’s Backdoor

It looks like Devin’s getting set up for the backdoor on Big Brother 16. But let me drop this bombshell: I kind of don’t want him to go. He’s truly awful, but oh so entertaining. I’d rather see Caleb or Jocasta go home before this asshole bro. And wouldn’t that turn everything upside down if …

BANTER BLENDER #95: World Cup, TV, and “Romancing The Stone”

Lisa Timmons joins Ben Mandelker ( again for a rousing go at the Banter Blender. The two manage to broach all sorts of topics: the World Cup, personal training, Special K cereal, “Orange is the New Black,” “Game of Thrones,” “Romancing the Stone,” and Billy Ocean. It’s a classic Banter with Ben and Lisa situation. …