When I was in Europe a few weeks ago, there was one commercial that played over and over and over again on CNN International, and thankfully, I just found it on YouTube. It’s a bombastic spot intended to lure investors to the emirate of Ajman, but instead, it just kind of plays out like light …
Category Archives: Television
Well That Was A Doozy… AGAIN
Whew! The two part House season finale certainly put me through the wringer. It was hard to top last week’s fantastic episode, but Monday’s second installment came close. In a surprising but appropriate turn of events, the show traded in its patented barbs in favor of non-stop urgent drama, and the result left me, well, …
LIKE OMFG! Live Blogging the Gossip Girl Season Finale
With The Hills done for the season, I had nothing to write about on TV tonight — especially since my DirecTV DVR recorded nothing but BLACKNESS instead of the House season finale (shaking fist!). I hope to procure the episode electronically (no spoilers please), but in the meantime, there is one little show I know …
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A Sneak Peak Into The Japanese 'Office'
Saturday’s season finale of SNL was a little disappointing, but there were still a few gems. Take, for instance, this Digital Short, which thankfully is not another music parody. Instead, it’s a near pitch-perfect recreation of The Office pilot. Definitely worth checking out.
My Morning with Spencer and Heidi
Just over two months ago, I did something that I never thought I’d do: I hung out with Speidi. That’s right, I spent a morning intermingling with Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, stars/villains of MTV’s hit show, The Hills. Needless to say, it was quite the momentous occasion, especially since it landed me on TMZ …
CoverGirl Utilizes New Tongue Twister To Sell Products
Back in Cycle 9 of America’s Next Top Model, we watched the girls stumble and slur their way through one of the most ill-conceived product titles of all time: the Wetslicks Fruit Spritzer. To the uninitiated (ie. me), it sounded like the models were merely saying “westshlicksfritzsprtizer,” especially when queen marble-mouth Jaslene got in on …
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Ode to Syesha
Well, the last chance we had at any real drama for this season of American Idol went out the window Wednesday night when Syesha was unceremoniously bumped from the Final Two. I’m sure no one was more surprised than she. After all, with that nagging sense of entitlement she’s had all season, she probably thought …
TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: A Healthy Dose of Crankiness
Wow, the tempers certainly were flaring on last night’s Top Chef. Thanks to one of the most colorful bottom threes in recent memory, the assembled panel of Tom, Pad, Ted, and Sam (wtf?) were on the receiving end of many angry, defensive remarks. I guess that’s what happens when you have certifiable (but lovable) nut …
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I didn’t get around to watching this week’s House until this morning (the DVR had the black screen of death, thus necessitating that I head to BitTorrent), but let me just say this: OH MY F*CKING GOD. I thought last week’s Gossip Girl twist was great. This episode had my jaw full-on dropped for like …
Raise your hand if you were a little underwhelmed by last night’s penultimate performance show of American Idol. Yeah, me too. If anything, this final trio of singers underscored what we’ve feared for some weeks now: this season’s crop, while overall more talented than last year’s bunch, has absolutely no personality whatsoever. Syesha has tried …