SNL Hits It Out of the Ballpark Again

Saturday Night Live has been on a much publicized role with its coverage of this fall’s campaign season, and that’s mostly thanks to Tina Fey’s instant classic take on Sarah Palin. Last night’s episode proved no exception with a razor-sharp opening skit that skewered not only Palin, but Joe Biden and even Gwen Ifill (played …

Rachel Ray Touches Corn Like It's A PENIS!

Nothing’s funnier than an unintentionally phallic moment, especially when it comes from the ever peppy Rachel Ray. On yesterday’s episode of her talk show, our ever enthusiastic hostess welcomed a guest onto the program who revealed her very special way of removing corn silk. Needless to say, it was highly suggestive, and all of us …

TOP DESIGN PHOTOCAP: See Ya Later, Triathlon-Losing Decorator!

I continue to be bored; so I continue to do photocaps today. This one comes from last night’s Top Design, which featured a “design triathlon,” an event surprisingly engaging considering how silly it sounded. Designers needed to redo a chair, set a table, and dress a set for a photoshoot. Flustered eye-rolling ensued. I personally …

There's Hope for Comedy on TV After All…

There’s something exceptionally thrilling about watching talented people working together to create TV comedy. Such is the case with this clip from Late Night with Conan O’Brien. It features Julia Louis-Dreyfus, among others, engaging in some post-Emmy shenanigans in the hallowed halls of 30 Rock — a place where I once served as a wee intern …

HILLS RECAP: Pool Party of Deception!

With Wall Street losing a trillion dollars and everything else pretty much falling apart in this country, MTV on Monday took a page out of the Spartan Cheerleaders book and said, “You know what this country needs? THE PERFECT CHEER.” And that cheer came in the form of an utterly wonderful new episode of The …

EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Fox Reality Channel "Really" Awards

I’ve had quite the run of exclusive experiences of late: a meet and greet with Julie Chen, a visit to The Soup, a stroll through the Gossip Girl set, and of course, back to back infiltrations of the Big Brother finale and wrap party. Am I bragging? Indeed. (Somebody’s gotta drum up traffic around here). …

HILLS RECAP: When the Cat's Away, the Mice Will Play (and go on dates with your exes)

After last week’s less than exciting episode, I was thrilled to see The Hills back in fine fettle as the various sidekicks that orbit the Conrad universe manage to crash and burn without the stern presence of their Master. Yes, Lauren was off to Italy for most of this episode, which meant that all her …