WATCH WHAT CRAPPENS #87 & 88: Double Dose This Week!

Exciting news in the world of Watch What Crappens. We recorded to podcasts this week, the first of which with YouTubers “Your Reality Recaps.” Here’s the official description of the first episode: On this very special crossover episode, the Watch What Crappens crew (Matt Whitfield, Ben Mandelker and Ronnie Karam) join the gang from YourTVRecaps …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Is Amanda The Stalin to Aaryn’s Hitler?

Hey, remember those days on Big Brother when we hated Aaryn but liked Amanda, mainly because Amanda stepped up to Aaryn and called her out for being a racist? Seems like forever ago because nowadays, we’re hating Amanda just as much as Aaryn. It kind of got me thinking: is Amanda the Stalin to Aaryn’s …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Once You Vote Black, You Never Go Back

Well, another week has come and gone in the Big Brother house, and Head of Household Aaryn has managed to live up to expectations: she dropped a few questionable bon mots (that whole “axed” thing with the Cheez-Its) and of course managed to put the two black people in the house on the block. Admittedly, …


On this week’s Watch What Crappens, Matt Whitfield (Yahoo), Ben Mandelker, (bsideblog) and Ronnie Karam (TVgasm) meet up in a mall for a noisy podcast all about the Giudice indictment, the winter wonderland fighting on RHOC, and the already infamous “Mom?…Help…ME” call on Princesses Long Island. As a bonus, we’ve included a fashion teardown of …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Aaryn Refuses To Be Blackballed

There once was a time when Aaryn was the most hated woman in the Big Brother house, but now it seems the heat is on Howard and Spencer, who continue to pay for having lied to Helen and Elissa two weeks ago. Yes, the legacy of the Moving Company lives on, and it would appear …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Aaryn Learns To Always Bet On Black

I’m back after an ever-so-brief midweek hiatus. Big Brother continues to deliver the goods, with this week’s drama centering around a one-piece bathing suit and a not-so-secret Moving Company 2.0 alliance. Let’s talk about the latter. Spencer and Howard had the right idea to join forces with the outsiders in the household (ie. GinaMarie and …

WATCH WHAT CRAPPENS: Big Brother – Week 5 In Review

Hey everyone — it’s time for another edition of Watch What Crappens. But isn’t this a Big Brother video? Yes. So here’s the deal. We started a web show on Youtube called “The TV Clique.” We loved the name and thought it was so clever and thought we were geniuses and the best people of …

WATCH WHAT CRAPPENS #85: Bloody Piggies, Family Therapy, and Jewish Weddings

This week on “Watch What Crappens,” Ben Mandelker (, Ronnie Karam (, and Matt Whitfield (Yahoo!) tackle everything on Bravo: Vicki and Brooks’ relationship, Bloody Piggies, Gretchen’s singing, Alexis’s acting, Joe Gorga’s spray hair, Dr. V’s crossover appearance, and Chanel’s old maid life. Plus, crazy gossip about Princess’s Ashlee as well as updates about Bethenny …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The One Where They All Do Nasty Things To Yogurt Machines

As expected, Judd’s reign as Head of Household on Big Brother has started off on a rather dull note. There weren’t any major fights beyond a silly dustup between Aaryn and the lexically challenged GinaMarie, and the only real tension came from whether or not Amanda could go thirty seconds without absolutely insisting that Howard …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Jeremy Finds Himself Low on the Totem Pole

The Moving Company continues to be one of the most epic Big Brother alliance failures of all time, perhaps supplanting The Four Horsemen (er, Santa Monica Van Boys?) for the title of Biggest Flop. This week saw the exit of The Moving Company’s most outspoken member, Jeremy, who was backdoored by Helen in a generally …