BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Double The Eviction, Double The Fun!

I’m back! For the moment. Sorry everyone, I’ve been working on some non-blog stuff that has totally monopolized my time. Despite that, I knew I just had to write something about this week’s double eviction episode of Big Brother, which was AH-MAH-ZING. I tend to love these “Big Brother Fast Forward” shows. They’re awkward, oddly-paced, …


Ummmmmm… I’m fully aware that by the time I publish this Big Brother photocap, the next episode will have aired already on the East Coast. Oh well. Here’s all that really matters: Zingbot 3000 made its return, and this time, his spawn — Baby Zingbot — made an appearance too. Not going to lie, I …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade! (Or Dry Hump)

So much has happened since my last photocap of Big Brother 14. I took two episodes off, and I’d like to say it was to protest the ouster of Janelle, but honestly, I was just being lazy. I was, however, quite QUITE mad about Janelle’s eviction, but at the very least it came as a …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Goodbye Coaches, Hello Drama

Well, the coaches are dunzo on Big Brother 14, and I have to say that while I thoroughly enjoyed the idea of teams competing against each other, the ensuing chaos in the household has been a perfectly lovely alternative for me. The show has more or less been reset — as Chenbot happily declared on …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Reset It and Forget It

In a MOST. UNPREDICTABLE. AND SHOCKING way, the Big Brother house was turned upside down last night. Yes, America voted on whether or not the coaches would be allowed back into the game, and I can assure you that indeed America / CBS has declared it so! Memo to Big Brother: time to change the …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Who Will Save Your Soul (Patch)?

The gameplay sure is fast and furious on Big Brother where even the most minor interaction (usually stemming from Ian) seems to send huge ripples throughout the house. I won’t spoil what happened in last night’s show, but needless to say, we certainly aren’t facing the listless go-with-the-flow mentality that plagued the past two seasons. …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Tongue-Tied and Twisted

Well, it was another Sunday episode of Big Brother, which meant there wasn’t too much activity beyond nominations, but that’s aiiight. The producers gave us a few human interest segments such as Jenn’s coming out story (ie. pretty much the first things she’s said on camera ALL SEASON), and Ashley’s love of dream boards, which …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Staten Island Dumped?

Well, an explosive week in the Big Brother house has come to an end. It was fun watching Willie get kicked out (did y’all hear he got arrested just days after leaving the house?), but at the same time, I’m going to miss having a full-fledged villain to kick around. As we all know, the …


Well, Willie is gone, which means things are a lot tamer in the Big Brother house. That doesn’t mean things are any less entertaining. Last night’s episode saw a goofy Veto challenge replete with Dorito costumes, slide whistles, and quacky music. Sometimes I think the producers are aiming squarely at the 7 year old demographic, …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: When There’s A Willie, There’s A Way (Home)

I’m rather peeved at Willie’s early exit from Big Brother because it has deprived me of a season of punny headlines: “Willie to Power,” “Good Willie Hunting,” “Willie Da Foe,” “Chilly Willie,” “Willie Nillie,” “Willie’s Wonky Chocolate Factory” (assuming there was an episode pertaining to a rectal dysfunction), and, of course, “Free Willie.” Alas, my …