James Gives Josh A Run For Most Awful Person on Big Brother 9

One of the masochistic joys of Big Brother is watching players season after season become deluded with sanctimonious hypocrisy to such a degree that you just want to pull your hair out and kick over your TV. Last year, we had Evel Dick to fuel our frustrations. This time around, we have Crazy James, who …

Help These Lovely Ladies Out

My friends, er, Apple, Suri, and Shiloh — the girls behind Whateverhollywood.com —  have submitted a video for YouTube’s Sketchies II competition, and it’s made its way all the way to the top twenty. I urge you all strongly to vote for their submission, titled “Shopping Cart,” and help them win the grand prize: $25,000 and …

Further Travails of New Yawk's Nouveau Riche

In case you haven’t been watching, Bravo’s new series, The Real Housewives of New York City is fast becoming one of my new Spring favorites. It features a wide variety of nouveau riche excess, but unlike its sibling, The Real Housewives of Orange County, everything plays out against the backdrop of old money. These aren’t …

OH MAN, YOU GUYS: David Archuleta Chickity-Choke-Chokes

To quote David Archuleta: “Oh man!” Talk about a surprise ending. We waited nearly two hours for David Archuleta to take the American Idol stage, and just when we were expecting a moving, melodious, or at the very least, competent performance, the semi-pubescent phenom up and bombed the hell out of his The Beatles tune. …