UPDATE: I Did Not Realize This Was Alessandra Ambrosio's Dog

So apparently I may have just started a feud with supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio. Turns out she’s the owner of that green dog I posted about earlier. I still contend that Buddha is one of the stupidest-looking dogs I’ve ever seen in my life, even if he is/was owned by a supermodel. And let’s get one …

Rachel Ray Touches Corn Like It's A PENIS!

Nothing’s funnier than an unintentionally phallic moment, especially when it comes from the ever peppy Rachel Ray. On yesterday’s episode of her talk show, our ever enthusiastic hostess welcomed a guest onto the program who revealed her very special way of removing corn silk. Needless to say, it was highly suggestive, and all of us …

Stupid Dog Feared Stolen!!!

I just received an urgent, automated call here at home. Apparently one of my neighbors has a missing dog, and even worse, the owner suspects that he’s been stolen! That’s right, the inappropriately named Buddha has been plucked out of West Hollywood, disappearing into the ether like a fleeting, spectral vision. I have to admit …

TOP DESIGN PHOTOCAP: See Ya Later, Triathlon-Losing Decorator!

I continue to be bored; so I continue to do photocaps today. This one comes from last night’s Top Design, which featured a “design triathlon,” an event surprisingly engaging considering how silly it sounded. Designers needed to redo a chair, set a table, and dress a set for a photoshoot. Flustered eye-rolling ensued. I personally …

There's Hope for Comedy on TV After All…

There’s something exceptionally thrilling about watching talented people working together to create TV comedy. Such is the case with this clip from Late Night with Conan O’Brien. It features Julia Louis-Dreyfus, among others, engaging in some post-Emmy shenanigans in the hallowed halls of 30 Rock — a place where I once served as a wee intern …

ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Chocolate Cheesecake Edition

Last week, I brought you tales of Franco-Mexican fusion with my controversial brie quesadillas (with corn tortillas). Many close-minded people were shocked at the combination, and while not everyone can be as adventurous as I, surely there won’t be as much of a massive outcry about my chocolate cheesecake, which has been a tried and …

HILLS RECAP: Pool Party of Deception!

With Wall Street losing a trillion dollars and everything else pretty much falling apart in this country, MTV on Monday took a page out of the Spartan Cheerleaders book and said, “You know what this country needs? THE PERFECT CHEER.” And that cheer came in the form of an utterly wonderful new episode of The …