You guys, Big Brother 16 is so good. It’s only been a week and change, but we already have an evil alliance (The Bomb Squad) with a douchey leader (Devin) and perhaps mentally unstable sidekick (Caleb). Or is it the other way around? Either way, all seasons with great villains usually lead to wonderful drama, …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The Last BB Photocap of the Year (Sniff Sniff)

Well, another season of Big Brother is in the can. There was plenty of controversy to be had, but overall, I’d say this was the strongest showing in several years. We had great enemies in Amanda and Aaryn, decent heroes in Elissa and Howard, and plenty of stupid arguments involving wine, mattresses, and bathing suits. …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: They’re Gonna Take You By Surprise and Make You Realize, Amanda.

First off, huge apologies. I have been busy with work and traveling and all sorts of nonsense over the past week and have barely been able to post about Big Brother, which is a shame because the season has come BACK to life. Ever since Helen’s ouster, things in the house have been perfectly crazy. …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Andy Proceeds Gingerly

So much has happened in the Big Brother house, and yet… nothing has happened at all. The people in power remain in power, the targets remain the targets, and as far as I can tell, despite the chaos of a double eviction and backdoor blindside (bye Judd!), we’ve still got a double barrel aimed at …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Amanda Goes To The Dark Side

Wow. What an episode. I’m loving season fifteen of Big Brother, even if its contestants tend to be heinous specimens of humanity. I could go on at length about last night’s excellent episode, but why bother when my friend Louis Virtel has so expertly spelled it all out at The Backlot. Read his coverage for …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Is Amanda The Stalin to Aaryn’s Hitler?

Hey, remember those days on Big Brother when we hated Aaryn but liked Amanda, mainly because Amanda stepped up to Aaryn and called her out for being a racist? Seems like forever ago because nowadays, we’re hating Amanda just as much as Aaryn. It kind of got me thinking: is Amanda the Stalin to Aaryn’s …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Aaryn Refuses To Be Blackballed

There once was a time when Aaryn was the most hated woman in the Big Brother house, but now it seems the heat is on Howard and Spencer, who continue to pay for having lied to Helen and Elissa two weeks ago. Yes, the legacy of the Moving Company lives on, and it would appear …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Aaryn Learns To Always Bet On Black

I’m back after an ever-so-brief midweek hiatus. Big Brother continues to deliver the goods, with this week’s drama centering around a one-piece bathing suit and a not-so-secret Moving Company 2.0 alliance. Let’s talk about the latter. Spencer and Howard had the right idea to join forces with the outsiders in the household (ie. GinaMarie and …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The One Where They All Do Nasty Things To Yogurt Machines

As expected, Judd’s reign as Head of Household on Big Brother has started off on a rather dull note. There weren’t any major fights beyond a silly dustup between Aaryn and the lexically challenged GinaMarie, and the only real tension came from whether or not Amanda could go thirty seconds without absolutely insisting that Howard …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: A Final Solution for Aaryn’s Alliance?

Still loving Big Brother this season, and I have to say — the giant cast has been an excellent move. More alliances, more egos, and more opportunities for treachery. Take, for instance, the “good” people in the house (a.k.a. Amanda, McCrae, Helen, and Elissa). They’re clearly going to fall apart, especially now that MVP Elissa has …