VOTE FOR ME: Or Else I'll Cry Edition

My site was nominated for Best Pop Culture Blog! My site was nominated for Best Entertainment Blog! My site was nominated for Best Humor Blog! My site was nominated for The Blogitzer!
Click on the individual badges above to vote.

Apparently I’ve been nominated for four Blogger’s Choice Awards! A very kind person (Pearlblackdragon) put my site up for them, and I’m incredibly grateful. It’s an honor JUST to be nominated.
Screw that. I want to win this mo-fo. If you have a heart (whatever that is), you’ll vote for me in the following categories. Now, there’s a lot of work to do, and a lot of recruiting too. The leading blogs have around 200 votes each, and mine has about, you know, FOUR. So as you can see, I gotta play catchup. MOBILIZE, DEAR PEOPLE. Oh, and one more thing: thanks!
Yes We Can!
(Click on the badges above to vote. Then tell your friends to do the same. Then tell a stranger.)

OUCH: Another 'Love Guru' Evisceration


New York Times film critic A.O. Scott is not a big fan of The Love Guru. Here’s an excerpt from his review:

The movie’s takeaway catchphrase is “Mariska Hargitay,” which is used by the title character as a fake-Hindi spiritual greeting. This is almost hilarious the first 11 or so times he does it, but by the time Guru Pitka (Mr. Myers) says “Mariska Hargitay” to Ms. Hargitay herself, it’s somehow less amusing than it should be.

Which might sum up “The Love Guru” in its entirety but only at the risk of grievously understating the movie’s awfulness. A whole new vocabulary seems to be required. To say that the movie is not funny is merely to affirm the obvious. The word “unfunny” surely applies to Mr. Myers’s obnoxious attempts to find mirth in physical and cultural differences but does not quite capture the strenuous unpleasantness of his performance. No, “The Love Guru” is downright antifunny, an experience that makes you wonder if you will ever laugh again.

Ouch. Very ouch.
• Just Say ‘Mariska Hargitay’ and Snicker [NY Times]

My Night At The Emmy Celebration


Last week, I was invited to a very special Emmy celebration. No, this wasn’t an award show. No golden statuettes were handed out. This was a celebration for the Emmys. You see, our favorite television award turned sixty this year, and to celebrate this ripe old anniversary, the Academy decided to throw an event, replete with kitschy prizes and free food. Oh, and did I mention the presence of Marc Summers? It was too tempting to pass up, even if it did take place in the heart of the valley. With a camera in hand, and a fellow blogger by my side (Lisa Timmons, editor extraordinaire of A Socialite’s Life), I headed to North Hollywood for what would be one of the more colorful, hilarious, and dare I say exciting nights of the year…

Continue reading “My Night At The Emmy Celebration”

Mortifying Moment of the Day

Dramatic recreation.

When it comes to coordination, I like to think of myself as having cat-like reflexes, but the simple truth is that I have the dexterity of an antiquated robot, and that, my friends, is not always a good thing. Take for example what happened to me about thirty minutes ago. I was up at The Standard Hotel, sitting poolside with my friend Anna David and her friend Vanessa Grigoriadis. The banter was flying fast and furious. Both women are fantastically smart, and as they’re both journalists (Anna’s written for The New York Times; Vanessa for Rolling Stone, etc. etc.), they’re very well-read on most topics. I, however, have forgotten what it’s like to read — I like to blame Los Angeles because it’s easier than shining a spotlight on my own lazy, reality-TV-watching ass — so I was doing my best to sound smart and worthy of such brilliant company.
Well, the conversation eventually headed into politico land, and Vanessa revealed that she’s actually writing a New York Magazine piece on Barack and Michelle Obama. Pretty cool. We began to chat and chat, and then I don’t know what happened, but suddenly, my hand somehow lurched forward, bumping into my tall glass of what was supposed to be an iced mocha latté (but was in fact some other drink, thanks to the incompetent wait staff). The pint glass teetered back and forth, and I tried to stabilize it with my oversized paws, but remember that coordination thing I talked about? Yeah, I was pretty much like the Lost in Space robot flailing its arms and bleating, “Warning! Warning!” Needless to say, my attempts to prevent a major coffee accident were unsuccessful. If anything, I probably made the situation worse. The glass ultimately flopped over, and out poured what looked like five gallons of NOT my drink. And where did the sudden onslaught of liquid all land? On Vanessa’s PDA. That’s right. I spilled my beverage on a reporter’s Blackberry, a device which contains thousands of very important contacts. Like, writing-a-New-York-Magazine-piece-on-the-Obamas important. Oops.
As you can imagine, there was a mad dash to get the PDA out of harm’s way, and somehow Vanessa managed to save the damn thing before any sort of horrendous technical failure set in. Still, I was massively rattled and embarrassed (not to mention flummoxed that I had waited thirty minutes for the stupid drink, only to knock it over immediately). Not my finest moment. I blame Obamamania.

Kanye West Pisses Off Fans; Connect Four to Blame?

It was Beyoncé’s fault.

What’s that old saying? You get what you pay for? Something like that. Well, epic complainer / Connect Four aficionado Kanye West finally discovered what it was like to be at the brunt of a hissy fit this weekend as thousands of fans at the Bonnaroo festival turned on the talented, if volatile rapper. West, who took to the stage at 4:30 AM (hours after his initial 8:15 PM start time, which was then rescheduled to 2:45 AM), discovered that fans don’t necessarily like waiting around for a glow-in-the-dark prima dona, no matter how celebrated he is. The angry crowd happily booed Kanye and chanted “Kanye sucks!” over and over again.
As for Kanye, he not only ignored the haters, but he didn’t even acknowledge the fact that he took the stage so late. Not once did he apologize to the fans, further angering the sleep-deprived masses. Sounds like one big colossal mess. And that’s why I don’t go to music festivals.
Kanye West’s Fans Don’t Care About Late People [A Socialite’s Life]

If Betty White and Ted Bundy Had a Love Child…


My good friend IndianJones recently issued this challenge to me: “Are there any posts tagged ‘death’ and ‘funny’? That would be more useful.”
I assume he’s talking about physical death, not metaphorical death (such as the one suffered by the New England Patriots’ dreams after their near perfect but ultimately failed 2007 season). Well, the answer is yes, death can be funny. Take, for instance, the case of Betty Neumar, an old lady who just so happens to have killed ALL FIVE OF HER PREVIOUS HUSBANDS (allegedly) since the 1950s. What makes it funny? Well, the mugshot for starters. Also, the fact that I discovered the story in a Scandinavian newspaper makes it pretty awesome too. I especially like the headline, “Alle Bettys fem menn er døde…” (Anything with an “ø” warms my heart). Bonus points for the story taking place in Albemarle, previously best known as the hometown of Kellie Pickler.
So there.
For more information on the curious case of Betty Neumar, click here. And to see the Scandinavian take, click here.

Another Satisfied Reader

That’s what you call a good Dad.

Yesterday, I posted photos of Mark Randazzo’s latest incredible R2-D2 cake. Today, I received an email from Doug, a.k.a. the guy who ordered the cake, and he had this to say:

My son loves Star Wars from playing the Wii Lego Star Wars games. R2-D2 comes in different colors in the game (Blue, Red, and Black/Yellow) and he loves the Red R2 the most. So, a few months before I came up with the idea of having a Star Wars themed party. I had recalled your original post (which I came across on BoingBoing), and got in touch with Mark about doing a similar cake but in Maroon, as the piece de resistance of the party.

Needless to say, the cake was an amazing hit with my son (who has the nickname “Tres” as he’s a third) and I wish I had a lot of pictures to share with you on his reaction. I’m usually the photographer in the family so I actually have only one of his immediate reaction, which is below. Everyone had nothing but gushing things to say about the cake and the party. And, I should mention, the cake was really really good – it wasn’t just pretty!
Mark and his team were great and he came to my home personally to deliver R2. I will keep Mark on my rolodex for years to come.
Other things we did at the party: dressed up in appropriate outfits (my son and I were Boba and Jango Fett), made homemade lightsabers and used them in a “keep the balloon in the air” event, had Star Wars musical chairs, presented Jedi Knight certificates, did Star Wars coloring, and the like. It was two hours (which is about the limit for a four year old’s attention span) of great fun.

My work here is done.
Two more pics from the party after the jump.

Continue reading “Another Satisfied Reader”

The Unicorn Exists! And It Looks Like This?

Finding the unicorn is cool and all… but IF IT EATS MY FLOWERS I’LL KILL IT!!!

So after centuries of hunting down the unicorn, scientists think they’ve finally found the mythical beast. And no, it’s not a white, equine animal as beautiful as the winter’s snow.
It’s a stupid deer with a little antler. Dumb.
Single-horned ‘Unicorn’ deer found in Italy [Yahoo! News]