Vote For Me! Pretty Please!

As some of you may have read on my Facebook pages or Twitter or Instagram, this lil’ site has been nominated by LA Weekly for Best TV Blog. I’m really flattered and honored to make the cut, but now LA Weekly has poked at the competitive BEAST that lurks inside me. The beast that wants …

In Case You Were Wondering…

The blog isn’t the only thing I’ve been ignoring. Thank you all for your patience. I know my posts have been spotty, but I’m truly hoping to have more consistent content soon. I regrettably have to do hideous things like work because shockingly, blogs don’t really earn that much money. Still, I hope to find …

B-Side Blog Now Has A Tumblr!

Did you know that B-Side Blog has a Tumblr? Probably not. That’s because it’s pretty new. I haven’t really explored Tumblr very much and don’t really know how to add functionality to it, but that’s okay. I don’t really need the bells and whistles. So why follow my tumblr? Well, because it features all the …

A New Look at B-Side Blog

In case you didn’t notice, there’s a new look here at B-Side Blog. It all happened because my previous theme was so slow on the backend (ie. the control panels, the stuff I need to do to upload posts) that I decided to streamline everything into a clean, simple layout. Some notable features you may …

YEA OR NAY: Do We Like A Simple Layout?

“New temporary layout? That’s pretty cool.” I’ve had to pare down my site template while I try to figure out what’s been causing outages on the backend (caused by the site eating up too much memory). Now that the site has been simplified, I’m sort of digging it. I had originally gone with my previous …

Happy Holidays From B-Side Blog! Now Watch This Santa Video

It’s the Holidays, and I’ve officially relocated from my sunny corner of Los Angeles to the cold, windy domain of my parents’ home in New York for the week. As such, my blogging will be a bit slower for the next several days, but fear not: there will be content. On deck is a post …

B-Side Blog Is Back On The Grid! Also, A Contest Update

As some of you may have noticed, I haven’t posted anything on this blog in nearly a week. That’s because I spent four days sans laptop, thus rendering me powerless as a blogger. The good news is that my laptop and I have been reunited, and now I can resume normal blogging activities. First things …

PLEASE READ: Nursing B-Side Blog Back To Health

After I got back from my family vacation, I was all psyched to blog like crazy. Too bad I picked up a VD down in Orlando, and by “VD” I mean “virtual disease,” which would explain the wonky behavior on the site as of late. Many people using PCs have reported malicious redirects of this …