FROM THE VAULTS: Random Pics from Hollywood Parties


With today being the seven year anniversary of me moving to Los Angeles, I decided to browse nostalgically through my old iPhoto library, and much to my surprise, I came across a series of photos that I never published back at TVgasm. If memory serves me correctly, I refrained from posting the pics because I had been put on the VIP list for some party (that’s how I roll), and then when I arrived, the organizers forced me to pay a $20 cover to get in. It was kind of bullshit, and I really don’t know why I didn’t turn around and leave right that moment. Nevertheless, my petty revenge was to not post anything about the event and deprive the organizers of valuable publicity (I think they were hawking some calendar), but as a result, a minor trove of D-list celeb pics fell by the wayside. Until now.
After the jump, the long lost photos as well as two bonus pics from the Playboy Mansion (I told you. That’s how I roll, yo)…

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SPOTTED: '80s Child Sitcom Star Enjoying Tasty Beverage!


Recently, my friend IndianJones and I dropped by local watering hole Cabo Cantina for a few beers and encountered that most glorious of Los Angeles events: the child star sighting! I quickly whipped out my camera and very subtly snapped a few shots. Only one turned out well though.
So who was the mystery man? Answer after the jump…

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Oh There I Am


Apologies for the lack of posts for the past day and a half. As you can see from this picture, I enjoyed a brief jaunt to Vegas. I should have new Big Brother photocaps up soon, not to mention a few pics from Sin City. Thank you for your patience…

Costas Mandylor Meets His #1 Fan


When it comes to celebrity gossip, other blogs specialize in Brangelina or Nicole Kidman or Tom Cruise. Me? I specialize in former stars of Picket Fences. Or at least, that’s the trend I’m hoping to start. That’s right, over this past weekend, my friends and I came smack-dab, face-to-face with none other than Costas Mandylor, former cast member of the beloved ’90s drama, Picket Fences. Normally, such a B-List sighting would barely get a mention, but in this case, there was a bit of hubbub around the actor, thanks to my friend Meeshie, who coincidentally happens to be Costas Mandylor’s biggest. fan. ever. Well, actually she’s only his #2 biggest fan ever (the #1 spot is reserved for Meeshie’s mom).

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Traveling Pants Shall Travel No More

Over the past week, two pairs of my shorts and my favorite pair of cargo pants have developed large, menacing holes in their pockets. I don’t know exactly what brought it about (heavy keys, no doubt), but yesterday afternoon, I resolved to take my ailing garb to a tailor to get this small but inconvenient problem mended, quite literally. The plan was to go into effect yesterday, but thank goodness I waited because I would have full-on wasted my money — at least as far as my cargo pants were concerned.

Continue reading “MORTIFYING MOMENT OF THE DAY: Crotch Rip Edition”

Slobs, All of Us


This past Sunday, the Lametourage (a.k.a. me, J-Unit, Jash, IndianJones, and our out-of-town friend Dan) all hit up local Chinese restaurant Genghis Cohen, and while yes, Jash and I had a very disagreeable incident there on Christmas of last year, the truth is that GengCo is too damn good to be ignored. How good is it? Well, as you can see from these pictures, we attacked the food like a pack of ravished hyenas. It wasn’t until after the dust settled that we realized we had made such a huge, huge mess. It’s a thin line between civilization and barbarianism, and we straddled it on Sunday.
A few more pics of our boorish feast after the jump…

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DEAD RESTAURANTS: Bennigans (a.k.a. NOOOOOO!!!!) Edition


It comes with a heavy heart that I must announce the passing of a great/horrible/beloved casual dining chain, Bennigans. Yes, that oh-so-lovable, Irish-y, neighborhood “Tavern & Grill” has closed its doors in the wake of its parent company filing for bankruptcy. This is absolutely devastating news to me mainly for one reason and one reason alone: the Monte Cristo. You know what I’m talking about. That glorious, cholesterol-laden sandwich that seems to be a gift straight from the deep-fried gods. I’ve had many Monte Cristos in my time — some good, some not so good — and while a few have come close, none have ever been able to touch the pure, greasy perfection that is the Bennigans Monte Cristo. For the uninitiated, the sandwich consists of several layers of ham, turkey, and cheese (American and Swiss), all deep fried in battered bread and sprinkled with sugar. Marvelous. Just marvelous.
I remember the first time I had one back when I was a kid. I think I was in Philly on a family trip. What I thought would just be another ordinary sandwich proved to be the start of a decades long love affair that to this day will occasionally prompt me to drive all the way out to Glendale, CA (gross) just to get the sandwich. Honestly though, it’s been about two or three years since I last went; so I suppose I’m part of the problem, not the solution. The sad truth is that I’ve never lived near a Bennigans. They always seemed to be thirty or forty-five minutes away. The closest I ever came to Bennigans nirvana was in 2000 when I was an intern at the WWE in Stamford. Lo and behold, there was a Bennigans just about a mile away from the Stamford, CT offices, and you better believe I was there at least once a week to fetch my Monte Cristo to go. Did I smell what The Rock was cooking? Not necessarily. But I always smelled that sandwich.
Oh well. I guess those days are long gone now. At least I still have Red Lobster. Never leave me, Big Red. Never leave me.
• Bennigan’s Closed After Parent Co. Files For Bankruptcy [ via Slashfood]

ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Anatomy of a Korean Barbecue Marinade


This weekend, my friend had a barbecue and asked me to bring over some of that “Korean shit” that I’ve been known to make now and then. Yes, dear readers, it turns out that occasionally, I’ve been known to actually whip up a Korean barbecue marinade perfect for Galbi (or beef short ribs). I learned the recipe about three years ago when another friend of mine had a bbq and invited over his neighbor, an Asian woman who came with pounds and pounds of Galbi. Needless to say, it was delicious — just like the restaurants — and as I’m a huge, huge fan of Korean food, I asked her for the recipe. I don’t make it too often (laziness), but the truth is that it’s actually very simple, and it turns out perfectly each time.
Well, since my buddy requested the “Korean shit,” how could I deny him? I headed over to the local Korean supermarket (a definitely bonus to living in LA), gathered up my ingredients, and went to work. And since I’m a compulsive blogger, I photographed the entire process (well, not the shopping). By the way, I should mention that everything in the recipe should be readily available in any supermarket. I only go to the Korean market because it’s cheaper, and they sell mass quantities of short ribs cut the way I like them.
Anyway, a magical mystery tour of my Korean culinary adventures after the jump…

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