Last week amidst my move, I was unable to do a photocap for The Real Housewives of Atlanta, which was a shame since it was by far the most entertaining episode of the season. We finally got to see Kim sing, and it was terrible (as expected). We also learned that she has no idea what guacamole is, nor does she have any concept of a mortar and pestle. Needless to say, her juvenile revulsion directed at the “green stuff” in the “rock” was nothing short of hilarious. Of course, it was all trumped by the fantastic shot of her sitting in her convertible with a cigarette dangling from one hand outside the car and a glass of wine carefully perched in the other. I imagine these are the sort of women Absolutely Fabulous parodied in its heyday (except Kim woefully lacks that whole “fabulous” part).
This week’s episode, meanwhile, was not quite as entertaining, but pretty damn close. Watching Sher-ayay’s (or is it Sheree-ay?) fashion show (“without the fashions” as Nene’s gay friend noted) was somewhat amazing. The name alone was ridiculous enough. The line wasn’t merely called “She.” No, it was “She BY SHEREÉ.” Sadly for her, things did not go smoothly for the SBS launch. Sherayay received samples that she claimed were tacky; although, the jury (as in the courtroom kind, not the diamonds and gold kind) is still out on whether the original designs were anything worth noting in the first place. The tongue lashing she gave the seamstress was glorious (in an awful sort of way), and I must admit I was rather dumbfounded by the depths of Sher-ayay’s vindictiveness when she invited her ex-husband to her show, stood and posed with him warmly, and then announced to us that she just wanted to rub her success in his face. She by Shereé? More like BITCH by Shereé. Of course, Sherayay then boasted about being able to succeed without the presence of Bob in her life, which was kind of funny seeing how the viewing party was something of a failure (judging by the lack of anything to VIEW). I mean, if these people wanted to look at pictures of designs instead of the designs themselves, they could have just asked for a jpeg.
As for the other housewives, not much happened with them. DeShawn tried to play peacemaker between the warring factions of Nene vs. Kim-rayay, but that pretty much failed when the latter two ladies opted to skip the much hyped sunset barbecue at the Snow residence. Lisa, meanwhile, learned that her husband would be jetting off to Oakland to play for the Raiders. She wasn’t particularly happy about this (c’mon, Lisa. Support Ed. HE’S THE BEST), but she didn’t have much to fear. Spoiler alert: poor Ed didn’t make it beyond training camp. (And in other Wu Hartwell gossip, turns out Lisa was formerly married to Keith Sweat, with whom she had two boys. Dunh dunh DUNH!).
Oh, and then there was Nene. She pretty much puttered around this episode, raising some money for her charity, Twisted Hearts (sounds like an ’80s ballad), and talking smack about Kim and Sherayay. Things intensified for her quickly, however, when a sassy DNA testing experience resulted in the news that (get ready for it) Curtis was not her father. BOOM. I really thought he would be. Luckily, Nene had her whole family to rally around her, which was a very sweet moment, but she still seemed quite devastated. Hopefully we’ll see the repercussions of this news next week. Until then, onto the supersized photocap!
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