VIDEO: Game of Fetch Turns Perplexing For Dog

Let’s face it: dog videos aren’t nearly as funny as cat videos. I don’t know why — maybe it has something to do with the fact that cats always seem to think they’ve figured everything out. Once in a while though there’s a pretty funny dog video that comes along. Case in point: the above …

VIDEO: A Very Special Episode Compilation

Some bored person put together a nifty compilation of Very Special Episodes from the sitcoms of our youth. Most of the big ones are there, but notably missing: Natalie having sex with Snake on Facts of Life and Punky Brewster being peer pressured into doing drugs (or at least drinking raw egg and ketchup or …

VIDEO: Bartender Does The Coolest Thing These Old People Have Ever Seen

There are many things I can’t do. There are far more that I can’t. The above video ranks in the latter category. Watch as a bartender manages to pour an handful of drinks all at once, much to the amazement of his blue-haired crowd. Very cool stuff (except for the annoying bell that sounds during …

VIDEO: The Stunt Driving in ‘Drive’

Apropos of nothing, here’s a fairly interesting little featurette about the crazy stunt scenes in Drive, which is undoubtedly the Coolest (with a capital C) move of the fall. Oh wait, if I call something cool, does that make it less cool? Probably. Did you see Drive? What did you think about it? (Also, Happy …