IT’S A BRADSASTER! Rachel Zoe has come down with… a cold! Or maybe a stomach virus. Or perhaps food poisoning. Whatever it is, she feels terrible and wants to throw up. Yes, this was the state of affairs at the end of last night’s The Rachel Zoe Project, and as the dramatic stylist was returned …

These Previews… Are… Bah…Nananas

Rachel vs. the concept of animation. There’s another new episode of The Rachel Zoe Project on tonight, and if these previews are any indication, it’s gonna be more ridiculous than ever. In the first video, Rachel grapples with the concept of having to offer fashion advice to animated characters. That’s right — for some reason, she’s …

SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: Holy Crap! That Was Just Episode ONE?

OMG, as they say. Survivor: Samoa kicked off last night, and I think I’m not being too hyperbolic in saying that it was one of the best, if not THE best, season openers of all time. Sadly, this is probably thanks to Russell H. (not to be confused with gentle, likable Russel S., who may …

Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler Go To Town On Kanye West

Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler once again returned to their “REALLY!?!” bit last night on Saturday Night Live Update Thursday, and this time their target was Kanye West (as well as some digs at Joe Wilson and Serena Williams). The results, as usual, were pretty amusing (although nothing will ever top the original Michael Vick …

Catching Up With Allison Grodner, Executive Producer of 'Big Brother'

All summer long, The Wrap journalist Josef Adalian (or Joey ‘Dals, as I am wont to call him) has been interviewing Big Brother executive producer Allison Grodner after every eviction. She often provides interesting tidbits about the previous week and little teasers about what’s to come. Well, the season is over now; so Mr. Adalian …

Rachel Zoe Goes Grocery Shopping

I’ve always wondered what Rachel Zoe is like grocery shopping. Actually, scratch that. I saw her once puttering about the aisles of Trader Joe’s, and it was relatively uneventful; so… so much for that introductory sentence. Nevertheless, here’s comedian Amy Phillips doing an impersonation of Zoe meandering about a Vons. It’s pretty much dead on. …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: A Happy Ending After All

Here’s a shocker: this season of Big Brother, which looked like it was gonna wind up with a miserable outcome, suddenly beat the odds and gave us a fan favorite as the victor. That’s right, Jordan brought her A-game to last night’s finale, winning not just the final HOH, but the whole damn show. The …

RACHEL ZOE PHOTOCAP: The Skinny on Rachel

Well, I’ve just finished watching another episode of The Rachel Zoe Project, and I’ve yet to actually find anything compelling about the show. Sure, this week there was insight into how Rachel deals with the media and issues with her gaunt frame, but overall, there’s simply not a lot of fascinating stuff on screen. The …


Well, we’re at the end of the Big Brother season. Tonight marks the two hour finale where hopefully Natalie will be deprived of $500,000 (perhaps even the runner-up $50,000 prize) and be confronted with all her lies and awfulness. Sadly though, this is Big Brother, and such lofty dreams rarely come true. Nevertheless, it was …