The best part about this season of The Hills? It just makes The City all that more fun to watch. And people, you should be watching. The City trails The Hills in ratings, and that’s just not right. The show is awesome! Finally, a series with REAL professionals (albeit in fake situations) with ambition and …
Category Archives: Television
HILLS PHOTOCAP: It's Gettin' Bad, Folks
I’d be loathe to abandon The Hills, seeing how it’s brought me so many warm memories and strange real-life experiences (did I mention that time I went to the season four premiere party and became pen pals with Joe Francis? Yes, VERY strange indeed). I do have a special place in my heart for the …
After much drama last week, Rachel Zoe and Brad headed off to Paris last night on The Rachel Zoe Project for Fashion Week. This meant that poor Taylor had to stay home and clean up Brad’s professional messes while literally everyone else on the show — even that gangly makeup dude who apparently likes to …
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SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: Tribal Council Touches On A Black and White Issue
Man did things get heated at Tribal Council on Survivor this week. Jaison finally took Ben up on his borderline (or perhaps not so borderline) racist comments from the week prior, and honestly, Jaison schooled him. It was great to watch. And of course, now Jaison and Shambo (!!!) are my favorites. Will they go …
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RACHEL ZOE PREVIEW: Rachel's Lungs Are Shutting It Down
LITERALLY, she can’t breathe. OMG, this is a pulminarysaster! There’s a new episode of The Rachel Zoe Project on tonight, and with Rachel heading to Paris with Brad, it looks like we’ll be in for more over dramatic proclamations than ever before (the question “Did you just have a fashion orgasm?” is posed in one …
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Eight Amazing Ads From A 1986 Edition of TV Guide
Earlier today, I posted five Oprah Winfrey Show ads that ran in an issue of TV Guide exactly twenty-three years ago this week. Those were fun and all, but of course TV Guide has more to offer than just Oprah. There’s a whole variety of amusing, dated, and amazingly dumb ads to be shared; and …
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OPRAH IN 1986: Five Amazing Ads
Yesterday, a friend of mine gave me an old 1986 issue of TV Guide as a joke, and being the cultural anthropologist that I am, I immediately leafed through it to check out the television landscape of yore. Little did I realize that I’d be stumbling on a small treasure trove of classic Oprah print …
HOUSEWIVES PREVIEW: Kim Sings Again, And It Ain't Half Bad! (It's Actually TOTALLY Bad)
It pains me to admit that “Tardy for the Party” is in my head more often than it isn’t, but I give all the credit to Kandi Burress for crafting a dumb country ditty into a regrettably catchy dance tune. None of the props, however, go to Kim Zolciak, who on tonight’s Real Housewives of …
Let's Talk About 'Gossip Girl,' Shall We?
We’re about three episodes into Gossip Girl’s third season, and I’d be loathe to let another week go by without discussing this most wonderful of teen soaps — the best ever, I might be so bold to say (disclaimer: I never watched 90210 or really any other teen soap except for The OC. My sample …
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Sesame Street Takes On The World of Sterling Cooper
Try this one on for size. Sesame Street did a parody of Mad Men recently, and the results were… intriguing. I’ll be honest — without the smoking and boozing, it just ain’t the same. And whither the puppet JOAN? She’s really getting the shaft in every possible way these days, huh? Nevertheless, enjoy the clip above.