HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: How You Gonna Have A Fighting Reunion With No Fighting?

It’s been a few weeks since I checked in with The Real Housewives of Atlanta. With Thursdays being a logjam of television, the show had become less of a priority, especially given how the second half of the season got kind of boring. Sure, there was some bickering, but nothing particularly fascinating took place. Even …

THE CITY PHOTOCAP: Whitney Meets Big Poppa

Shocking things happened on this week’s episode of The City. The previously isolated worlds of People’s Revolution and Elle magazine came together for an event so fraught with drama, I could barely lift my jaw off the ground. Okay, there really wasn’t much drama at all. Kelly didn’t yell at anyone. Roxy didn’t undermine anything …

HILLS PHOTOCAP: They Try To Make Her Go To Rehab, But She Says No, No, No

There seemed to be a major theme running throughout last night’s episode of The Hills: drinking isn’t good. This message was spelled out clearly for us in the Holly Montag storyline, but truly, if anyone needed exemplary evidence as to why alcohol might not be a great substance to abuse, one didn’t need to look …

SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: Don't Drink The Water (And This Is What Happens)

Wowsahs! The latest episode of Survivor was crazy. We’ve seen medical emergencies before (more so recently), but none as scary as what Russell endured when he blacked out multiple times from dehydration. With his unblinking eyes staring up at the sky, he literally looked dead for a moment. We knew he’d wind up okay, but …

TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: Restaurant Wars Take Their Toll

Last night’s Top Chef: Las Vegas was that most hallowed of episodes: Restaurant Wars — a.k.a. the time when half the cast embarrasses themselves beyond reprieve. Sure enough, we had some major bombs by some very accomplished chefs, but on the flip-side, there were some astounding offerings too. Tom Colicchio even noted that the Restaurant Wars …

THE CITY PHOTOCAP: There Once Was A Man From Nantucket…

It’s ridiculous how fun The City is. In its second season, the producers have found the right mix and balance of characters, focusing instead on the cutthroat careerist side of Manhattan, not the dingy bohemian crap that Jay and his posse represented last year (more on that in a bit, regrettably). Olivia and Erin continue …

HILLS PHOTOCAP: Holly's an Alcoholic!

I’m happy to report that last night’s episode of The Hills was GOOD. It was everything we want from the show — silly scenarios, embarrassing moments, and some cutting humor. The latter was provided by Kristin’s dad, whose cameo consisted of him making fun of Brody and his vanity any chance that he could. I’m not …

TOP CHEF PREVIEW: Restaurant Wars Is Back!

I must admit that my Top Chef coverage has waned in recent weeks. I still watch and love it, but Bravo’s website has been putting up pretty lame media, which means I’ve got nothing really to use for my photocaps (they post production stills, not screen grabs). Plus, as much as I’m enjoying this season …

HOW BAD CAN THAT BE? Barefoot Contessa Potluck Sequel Proves To Be Dramatic Affair

Back in August, some of my posse convened at a friend’s house to have an Ina Garten / Barefoot Contessa potluck dinner party. The results were excellent, and if memory serves me correctly (and it does), I practically had to be wheeled out of the house as all the food was so incredibly delicious that …

Glambert's New Song Arrives!

Adam Lambert fans, listen up! The sequined American Idol runner-up has released his first song, dramatically called “A Time For Miracles” from the soundtrack to the upcoming disaster pic 2012. True to form, there’s a neat little run of squealing and histrionics, but don’t confuse me for a hater. Truth is I actually like the …