GYM HORRORS: So Bad, I Had To Inform The Staff

It’s been a while since I’ve written up one of my gym horror stories, but sadly, I think that’s more a sign of my lackadaisical workout routine than it is of improved hygienic awareness. People are still disgusting, and never was that more evident than today when I headed to the gym and encountered a …

Politics and Idol: A Match Made in Heaven?

With the all too early exit of Amanda Overmyer from American Idol, I couldn’t help but get downright introspective. What sort of a world is this where smokey-voiced, sartorially challenged singers can’t find a mass market in America anymore? It’s not, right I tell you. It’s not! Seriously, I was bummed that Amanda got the …

Oscar Winning Screen Legend Binges on Frozen Yogurt, Drives Unimpressive Car

I had quite the celebrity sighting yesterday. It wasn’t so excellent because of the star wattage — although, that was pretty cool —  but more for the bizarre randomness of the entire event. I’ll explain. It was about 7 PM, and my friend Jash and I decided to stop in at Angelina’s Frozen Yogurt, one …

Never Trust a Guy With Pink Hair

What can I say about James from Big Brother that hasn’t already been articulated two days ago? I guess a lot. After tonight’s veto ceremony episode, his hypocrisy and sanctimoniousness continued to frustrate me to no end. For a guy who talks about keeping his word, he sure knows how to be self-serving.

BARRISTER WATCH: The Wet Look Is So Hot Right Now

Fiona Shackleton before and after encountering Heather Mills. Yesterday, when Heather Mills absconded with nearly $50 million of Paul McCartney’s money, she did so with utmost class and dignity. And then she dumped a glass of water on his lawyer. Yes, Fiona Shackleton, barrister to the stars, found her puffy, carefully attended coif suddenly matted …

DEAD CELEBRITIES: Anthony Minghella Edition

Anthony Minghella, Oscar-winning director of the tear-jerker epics The English Patient and Cold Mountain — among others — died today from a massive surgery-related hemorrhage. He was only 54. No word on yet on funeral arrangements, but I’m sure they’ll be SWEEPING (and possibly involving Juliet Binoche). For more information on this sad turn of events, click …