Last night’s episode of Big Brother was great for one and only one reason: we got to see Sheila bark, “Yew know wut, Adam? Thank yew, THANK YEW!!” And yes, that was a quote verbatim. I probably watched that line over about three times in a row. As for the rest of the show, well, …

EAT, DRINK, AND BE AWFUL: An Instant Classic 'Housewives'

“Here’s to the most awkward dinner party of all time!” Anyone who missed tonight’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York City should run, not walk, to their DVR and watch it. I guarantee it will be one of the best hours of 2008. This is what we watch reality television for: unpredictable, awkward, …

Will Clinton Seek Out The All Important Trishelle Endorsement?

With Heidi Montag’s ringing endorsement of John McCain last week, one has to wonder which MTV reality stars will the other candidates be courting in their bid for White House supremacy. I delve into this deeply important topic in my latest article for DipDive, the new site from (yes, yes, I’ve mentioned the site …