So Simple, So Tacky, So Wonderful!

I don’t even have houseplants, but for some reason, I want the Aqua Globe. It allows you to leave your plants unattended for up to TWO WHOLE WEEKS. Wwwhhhaaaa?? Actually, the only reason I’m so impressed with this bad boy is because the science behind the Aqua Globe seems so simple, yet so right (assuming …

CoverGirl Utilizes New Tongue Twister To Sell Products

Back in Cycle 9 of America’s Next Top Model, we watched the girls stumble and slur their way through one of the most ill-conceived product titles of all time: the Wetslicks Fruit Spritzer. To the uninitiated (ie. me), it sounded like the models were merely saying “westshlicksfritzsprtizer,” especially when queen marble-mouth Jaslene got in on …

TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: A Healthy Dose of Crankiness

Wow, the tempers certainly were flaring on last night’s Top Chef. Thanks to one of the most colorful bottom threes in recent memory, the assembled panel of Tom, Pad, Ted, and Sam (wtf?) were on the receiving end of many angry, defensive remarks. I guess that’s what happens when you have certifiable (but lovable) nut …


I didn’t get around to watching this week’s House until this morning (the DVR had the black screen of death, thus necessitating that I head to BitTorrent), but let me just say this: OH MY F*CKING GOD. I thought last week’s Gossip Girl twist was great. This episode had my jaw full-on dropped for like …


Raise your hand if you were a little underwhelmed by last night’s penultimate performance show of American Idol. Yeah, me too. If anything, this final trio of singers underscored what we’ve feared for some weeks now: this season’s crop, while overall more talented than last year’s bunch, has absolutely no personality whatsoever. Syesha has tried …

HILLS FINALE: No Crabs for Audrina

“I should have made scallops…” Ladies and gentlemen, The Hills season three has come to an end. For reals this time. No more of this “continuation” crap. Yes, it is done and over, and now we have to wait three long months for August when season four pops up on MTV. Judging by the sneak …