(that’s me)
The massive video game convention known as E3 came to town last week, and since I am a video game geek at heart, I headed into the thick of it to check out the new games and over-the-top presentations. It was a blast, as usual; although, I didn’t have any exciting star sightings this year (last year I saw Method Man, Redman, and Jason Sudeikis). Well, I did see Zachary Levi from Chuck, who was very handsome in person, but I didn’t take a picture because a) I don’t watch Chuck and b) well, there is no B. I did want to ask him why the hell he sang at the Oscars, but my curiosity wasn’t that intense.
Anyway, after the jump, check out some random pictures of games, geeks, and goings-on.

The Target Lounge, which featured charging stations, seats, and free water. Luxury incarnate.

I don’t know who or what this little guy was, but I enjoyed him immensely.

The rather manly Ford Fiesta lounge. I aspire to someday decorating my apartment like this. For now though, I’ll have to settle for Clutter Chic.

Checking in on Foursquare.

Because I checked in at the Ford Fiesta lounge, this lovely lady gave me two free posters. They’re actually really cool. I’m easily pleased.

Upon entering the convention hall, I encounter games, geeks, and sensory overload. I’m at home.

People playing with the new Nintendo platform, annoyingly called the Wii U. I will be lobbying for Lil Wayne’s “Mrs. Officer” to be the official theme song. “Wii U Wii U Wii, Wii U Wii U Wii, Wii U Wii U Wii.” Anyone? Anyone?

The throngs who’ve waited two hours to play the Wii U. I may be a video game dork at heart, but I wasn’t going to waste time — a whole lot of precious time — sitting in a line.

Someone playing the new Zelda game for Wii. I understand that this guy had never played before, but he was so awful, it was actually painful to watch. I wanted to shake him.

Hundreds of people playing the Nintendo 3DS. I played a 3D MarioKart game and a 3D re-release of Zelda Ocarina of Time that blew my mind.

A gentleman poses with a mascot of Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank. What’s more embarrassing: that I know the character or that the guy is wearing those FiveFingers on his feet?

People waiting in line to play Playstation’s new portable device. Lame.

Interestingly enough, the iPad 2 made a few appearances on the show floor. Will Apple ever develop a gaming system? Probably not.

A weeping Sim. I think she’s crying for my soul.

UGH. I happen to love the SSX snowboarding games, and so I joined a six person line to watch a demo. I figured the wait would be a mere ten minutes. Thirty minutes later, they still weren’t letting us in (while other randoms got to go on ahead). Finally, I just left. My fanboy rage was OFF.THE.CHARTS.

Can’t go to E3 without snickering at the nerds dancing.

And I can’t snicker at the nerds dancing without submitting myself to equal ridicule. I decided to take on Just Dance 3, which had a rather large stage in the middle of the convention center. Here are people busting a move.

There are no pictures of me dancing, but pretend I look like this (except totally out of sync with EVERYONE else).

A picture from the stage. As you can see, there were more than just three or four people watching.

Our scores. You’ll note my score to the right (and significantly lower than everyone else’s).

I’m not sure how Margaritaville can be turned into a video game, but props to whatever programmer got this stoner idea greenlit.

I just liked this. Pew! Pew!

Shhhh!! A nerd in the wild!

A futuristic hallway that felt sort of like Space Mountain. I turned back though for fear that Natasha Hendstridge in full Species mode would come bounding out of nowhere and attack me.

A lot of social awkwardness in this corner.

A live orchestra scoring a Lord of the Rings game. This was one of the “classy” booths.

Outside the hall. Chaos.

I think the guy in the lower left was a producer on a season of Project Greenlight. I’m crazy.

My friend Sly in the morning.

A random tank. The guy with the bag was pontificating his ass off about it as if he were General Patton himself.

Oh, and in case you missed it, former Idol contestant Antonella Barba working the corner in an attempt to lure people in to the Saints Row 3 car wash. How the non-mighty have fallen.
oooo Wii-U I look just like Buddy Holly….
well played
Umm…You are absolutely right about that Project Greenlight guy! He looks just like him…Jeff Balis: http://tinyurl.com/3fu3jqu
Check it out 🙂
I’m pretty sure Zachary Levi sang at the Oscars because he sang the nominated song in the the actual movie. 🙂