OOPS: Local News Tries To Cover Bridge Implosion, Fails Posted byBen Mandelker November 19, 2010November 19, 2010 4 Comments on OOPS: Local News Tries To Cover Bridge Implosion, Fails It may be time for WGN to invest in picture-in-picture technology.
Yay! Now the construction on IL-170 will finally cease soon. I drive across that bridge weekly. The new one, not the one they just imploded.
I love that towards the end they play Beck’s Loser in the background. Ha!
that’s how i feel every time i switch the channel on a hockey game because nobody scored yet.
Yay! Now the construction on IL-170 will finally cease soon. I drive across that bridge weekly. The new one, not the one they just imploded.
HIL – arious!