Ep. 12: Banter With Ben and Lisa

Usually Lisa and I get together on a Friday to do our nifty podcast, but this time around, we caught up on Sunday night at her place where she not only cooked me up a lovely dinner, but also a generous mug of cocoa. With our stomachs full, we then got around to bantering, and this time around, we reviewed some of the pie entries for the Cool Whip Gift Basket contest. It turned out that neither of us were really into it though; so we just switched to gabbing about The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and then an engaging discussion about John Mayer and how he became such a douche. Enjoy!


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One reply on “Ep. 12: Banter With Ben and Lisa”

  1. I am a new fan of your podcasts! I have listened to all 11 yesterday and today and I am so excited to see that there is a new one posted!

    I’ve downloaded it and I am going to listen on the bus tomorrow morning.

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