What happens when you take an annoying six-year-old, a psychotic crystal enthusiast, a pair of giant boobs, and one very large elephant and put them together? You get a party at the Pratt’s! Such was the scene that unfolded midway through last night’s episode of The Hills, which saw the further psychological unraveling of Spencer. This time around he wasn’t blathering away about the transformative powers of rocks. Instead he was rambling like a maniac about the awfulness of Heidi’s mom, who he stated was merely a vessel — or specifically, a vagina — to bring Heidi into the world. More to the point, Spencer suggested the reason behind Darlene’s disappointment over her daughter’s new face and body was because she couldn’t play God and make the ideal Heidi. Of course, this introduces the notion that the plastic surgeon and/or Spencer ARE God because they could mold Heidi into perfection, but we won’t go there.
The point is that Spencer has gone a tad nuts, and if drugs aren’t the culprit, then perhaps it’s just bad genes. When he wasn’t hollering at sister-in-law Holly, he was sucking face with a lamb (yes, a lamb). And when he wasn’t getting some hot, ovine tongue action, he was slamming doors and making “WOOOOO” sounds like Whitney Houston. For her part, Heidi just sort of sat there frozen, which may or may not have been a byproduct of her surgery. It’s safe to say that things are not going well for the Pratts.
But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. You’re probably wondering what the hell any of this has to do with elephants and six-year-olds. Well, in one of the more contrived twists of the season, Heidi decided to throw a giant birthday bash for one of the most contrived twists of last season: Enzo. Why this awful rugrat is still on the show is beyond me. Either way, we knew Spencer wouldn’t be pleased with this turn of events, especially when he found out that Heidi had hired an event planner for the occasion. Back in my day, parents would just take us to miniature golf or bowling and be done with it. This is Los Angeles though. Things are done a bit differently here.
One time I was driving through the Hollywood Hills and came upon a kiddie birthday party, featuring donkeys and a petting zoo and clowns and CAR VALETS. This was astounding to me. About a week later, I wound up in a conversation with some family friends who live out here and whose kids at the time were about eight, ten, and twelve. I told them about this ostentatious scene I had stumbled across, and the father looked at me blankly and said without a trace of irony or sarcasm, “Well, who doesn’t have a petting zoo at a birthday party?” It was like I had suggested that BIRTHDAY CAKE was a bizarre addition to the proceedings.
And so while Heidi’s ridiculous party planning seemed excessive, I’m afraid that it’s about the norm in these parts. What wasn’t the norm was why she was having the party in the first place. This wasn’t her kid. Why weren’t his guardians taking care of the festivities (let’s pretend like we don’t know that clearly MTV insisted on this plot development). For once I was on Spencer’s side when he lambasted his wife’s choice to host the kids.
Heidi tried to mollify her husband by saying that he could invite his friends too. In reality, it would be a party for Enzo AND Spencer, she claimed. I wasn’t sure who above the age of eight would agree to come to such a ridiculous party, but sure enough, in walked Brody, Frankie, Sleazy-T and the whole crew. These guys were all a piece of work this episode. First of all, they’ve seemed to have adopted some sort of faux-cholo sensibility, going so far as to meander down to Inglewood to check out sweet rides and cruise down the streets as if they were fresh from the ‘hood. Memo to the Brodesters: you’re a bunch of rich kids. I don’t care if they have money, but please stop acting like tough street dudes.
Also amusing to watch was the carousel of facial hair that the boyz all seemed to be riding. Clearly Brody’s sidekicks were trying to be just like him, but unfortunately, they could never get their timing right. When we first saw Brody this episode, he was in full beard mode (not a great look for him — makes him look like a bum). Frankie et al. however were totally clean-shaven. Next, we saw the crew down in Inglewood, and wouldn’t you know it? Frankie and Sleazy-T were decked out in hirsute, overgrown beards that did little towards enhancing their aesthetic value. Oddly enough, Frankie looked kind of like a terrorist. But wait! Look at Brody! NO BEARD. Poor sidekicks — they can never keep up with their Master.
The next time we saw the gang, their beards were suddenly gone, but guess what? Brody’s facial hair had mysteriously returned! D’oh! Some day they’ll all be on the same page. Some day.
Anyway, Brody and the gang showed up at this birthday party where they watched from afar as an elephant grabbed a child and dangled him with its trunk. Later, all the “adults” sat around a kiddie table where Spencer went on his aforementioned rant against Darlene. Being the good daughter that she is, Holly stood up for her mother and went so far as to tell Spencer that by not respecting his elders, he wasn’t practicing what he was preaching (ie. Christianity). Point for Holly.
A few days later, Holly dropped by the house to talk to her sis, and we got to see the much hyped confrontation between her and Spencer. Basically, he railed on her, and then congratulated himself for restraining from saying what he REALLY meant to say. Tempers flared, and soon he went stalking out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Holly then burst into tears, saying that she was scared of Spencer, and when Heidi did her usual mollification thing, Holly revealed that she didn’t even have Heidi’s phone number anymore. Note that Heidi did not offer it up. A few more tears later, Holly left the house and was greeted outside by a chorus of jeers and insults from Spencer who continued to act childish and horrifying as she walked off the property. The guy is bonkers, and if he’s just playing the part of bonkers, well, then he’s sad too. Or maybe both.
Elsewhere in Los Angeles, we endured more scenes of Audrina with her latest douche, Ryan Cabrera. This guy gets worse and worse the more he talks, and once again, the producers happily inserted a shot of him rubbing his nose (COCAINE ALERT! COCAINE!). I suppose we’re meant to care about the developing love rhombus between Kristin and Brody and Audrina and Ryan, but considering that Kristin is the only one vaguely interesting of the group, I can’t truly say I’m terribly committed to this story line. I will, however, welcome a scene that perhaps centers on Brody punching Ryan in the face. That would be lovely. Also, bonus points to Brody for inflicting his Brodester accent onto the word “lounge,” thus giving us “lllllaaaah-nge.”
Now here are some pics:

“Hey Brody, what are we doing right now?”
“And what’s the opposite of death?”
“And if you’re not single, you’re in a—–?”
“And your favorite potato chips are Baked—-?”
“And you serve soup into a bowl with a—–?”
“And if there’s something on Facebook that captures your fancy, the button you click says—-?”

Heidi: “I think we should discuss the elephant in the room.”
“Fine. You look like a whorey Barbie Doll.”
“No. I mean, I literally want an elephant in the room.”
“Oh. Okay.”

“I can’t wait to drive this sweet ride all around Los Angeles. You guys can follow me! We’ll call ourselves… DOUCHE PARADE!”

Ryan: “I like you so much, Audrina. If I could, I would grind you up and sort you through a twenty dollar bill.”

Kristin: “Is it me, or is Ryan Cabrera a bigger douche than that Charlie guy?”
Brody: “Who does he think he is? My esse?”
“Oh yeah. I’m hood now.”

“We are so tough, yo. I bet none of these six year olds will start up with us.”

“Do you ever think about tulips, and how they don’t even have two lips? I mean, they don’t even have one! It’s so weird…”

“Um, last time I checked, MY DEAR, your mother was just a vagina who brought you into this world. Clearly you ought to be thanking the crystals around my neck for providing you a with a circle of radiant energy from the omega dimension that protects the infinite sphere of magma oracles! Now somebody find me a lamb to RAPE!”

“I think I’m falling in love with you, and I’m not just saying that because I’m high. I really mean it. Plus, you can elevate my fame.”


Spencer: “I want you to listen to me, wifey. This sweater was made by a pack of mutant puffins. They’re very talented. It’s my mission to find those puffins and put them to work for us.”

“Think about it: an army of mutant puffins sewing us sweaters that we can sell in Rwanda. And what do we do with that money? We buy more crystals, and the crystals will lead us to more puffins. THINK ABOUT IT.”

“Dammit I’m such a frackin’ genius sometimes. Hey, is that buzzard looking at me? Don’t look over here, buzzard! YOU’RE NOT WELCOME ON THIS LAND!”
What did you think about the episode?
Ummm, I’m actually kind of scared for Heidi but I don’t know if I should be. Obviously Spencer is legit crazy — there’s no way he’s that convincing as an actor and neither is Holly because the fear for her sister was totally real. Heidi, however, is a total head case but I can’t decide if it’s because of Spencer or she would have been that way regardless. I’m inclined to think they actually deserve each other as long as they don’t procreate.
I’m actually sad that the Hills is ending after this season because this is the best season since the early years. I think it’s because it’s both fascinating and disturbing to watch the Pratts. Now that I Ummm, I’m actually kind of scared for Heidi but I don’t know if I should be. Obviously Spencer is legit crazy — there’s no way he’s that convincing as an actor and neither is Holly because the fear for her sister was totally real. Heidi, however, is a total head case but I can’t decide if it’s because of Spencer or she would have been that way regardless. I’m inclined to think they actually deserve each other as long as they don’t procreate.
I’m actually sad that the Hills is ending after this season because this is the best season since the early years. I think it’s because it’s both fascinating and disturbing to watch the Pratts. Now that I think about it though, it’s probably better not to give those crazies a national stage anymore. They obviously have serious issues that need to be fixed and that’s not going to happen on the Hills where their craziness is good for ratings. about it though, it’s probably better not to give those crazies a national stage anymore. They obviously have serious issues that need to be fixed and that’s not going to happen on the Hills where their craziness is good for ratings.
Ummmm I have no idea how that second part got doubled. Sorry?
I, too, am convinced that Spencer is legitimately losing it. I only caught the last few minutes of the ep, but think I will not be surprised when the Pratts make the news in the next few months — CNN, rather than TMZ.
Spencer has got to be a total lunatic or drug addict. What kind of horrible parents does he have?
I have a hard time feeling sorry for Heidi though.
Oh man I HAD to leave a comment about your first photocap. The Brody slang kills me every time, and that was just too much. You are too freaking hilarious.
So based on Spencer’s logic am I to assume that Darlene (the mere vessel) delivered such a horribly disfigured child that Spencer had no choice but to support/push Heidi to correct God’s mistakes????
I pictures Spencer’s prayers as mostly “Hey Big Dude, I have been asking you now for years to smite people and so far, NOTHING. What up with dat?”
I am sure Heidi was as shocked as Holli at what Spencer was saying – it’s simply that those
facial muscles no longer work.
It’s sad when you’ve had so much work done on yourself that the only appropriate emoticon to use is :|.
I wish Spencer would follow along with Brody’s flock and shave off that creepy fleshy beard. I expect his eyes to be bulging more any day now. And popping veins too.
THE CRYSTALS! Spencer Pratt is psychooo.
chickadee…I agree with you. I am legitimately scared for Heidi as well. Each time Spencer opened his mouth Heidi had to tell him to calm down and “breathe”. It’s really sad to see these people on tv. Unfortunately, the Pratts are the only thing on the show worth watching, all the drama is manufactured because none of the main characters actually like each other or hang out in real life.
The “I’M WASTED!” caption made me laugh out loud for some reason.
I think Spencer is legitimate in a rage. Did anyone else see that vein (or something similar to a vein, very alien-like) popping out of his head? I think it was when they were sitting outside at the Enzo party (discussing Darlene’s vagina). Yikes.
But, did anyone else think it was weird he slammed that glass door and it didn’t shatter? Or is that how glass doors are built in LA/in glass houses people throw stones? I’ve seen people slam glass doors that hard, and they shatter.
Wow . . . I haven’t watched this show since the season before Lauren left, and while I’ve obviously seen the “after” photos of Heidi on various news sites, this is the first I’ve seen a photocap of her from the show. And if I hadn’t known that was Heidi in the second photo up above, I never would’ve guessed. She looks like a hardened prostitute somewhere in her 40s. That’s heartbreaking.
I LOVE The Hills!!! This is the best fucking show on earth!!! I LOVE Heidi & Spencer!!! Everybody is just jealous because they are not them and wanna be like them!!! It’s so fun to be fake and superficial!!! Every girl in America should be like Heidi and have a husband like Spencer!!! You know what, you didn’t post Heidi’s new video “Superficial” on your blog!!! This is news the people should know about!!! Also, you didn’t talk about how Heidi & Spencer have two new reality shows coming out when The Hills is over!!! One is about them and the other is called “Fist Pumping For Love”!!! One more thing before I let you go, you didnt report how Heidi & Spencer called the police on Heidi’s mom because she didnt want to talk to her!!! Please report all their magazine covers and songs and stuff!!! You should post Heidi’s album on here so i can have something to listen to when I’m reading this blog!!! That would be a nice little feature to your blog!!! You should be thankful you have me to tell you all this and give you suggestions to help guide you!!! Next time just be up on all The Hills gossip and incorporate it into your recaps!!! It’s beggining to chap my ass that you don’t!!!
Michelle…drugs are bad.
I can’t even pay attention to anything that comes out of Spencer’s mouth.
I just keep staring at that face. I cannot get over how close together his eyes are.
He must have double vision all the time.