
As many readers know, I’m prone to engaging in serialized quests for often fruitless goals: parsley, Angry whoppers, etc.. I’ve decided that my next pursuit will be rapper of the moment, T.I., who’ll be heading to jail in about seventeen days or so. I’m a big T. I. fan, and lately, he’s been popping up everywhere. I mean, everywhere. He’s put in a cameo on Kathy Griffin My Life On The D-List, and tonight, he’s going to be on Reality Chat on the TV Guide Network. Therefore, I’ve decided that I would like to throw my hat into the T.I. publicity ring. I’m not asking for an interview, but maybe a picture with the man? You know, I can show up at some gig or event here in Hollywood, snap a photo or two with him, and then be on my way like the dutiful blogger that I am. Sounds easy enough. I should add that I’m not some freak stalker; so let’s clarify that right now. And I’ve been known to be surprisingly un-awkward around rappers (I once received props from Method Man in one of my crowning Hollywood moments).
Who here knows T.I.’s people?