#TomatoDramz: Episode 3 — The Plot Thickens!

I know you’ve all been waiting on pins and needles to see the latest edition of #tomatodramz, and here it is. In this episode, Tara hatches a nefarious plan to turn Cyrus against Candice, but little does she realize she’s about to crush the dreams of one of her dearest friends… So intense. Remember you …

Catch Up On Your #TomatoDramz

Is Vine dead? Not sure. I hope not. After all, it was Vine where I launched my impromptu video series, #tomatodramz. I posted the first “full-length” episodes last week on YouTube, but in case you never got around to checking out all the original Vine videos, I’ve happily uploaded them all to YouTube as well. …

More #TomatoDramz Has Arrived

Since I know you’ve all been waiting on pins and needles to find out what could possibly happen next in the world of cherry tomatoes, here’s the latest episode in the #tomatodramz series. Fun fact: there’s now a YouTube channel devoted to the #tomatodramz. Be sure to check it out and subscribe and all that …