Jets’ Bart Scott CAN’T WAIT To Play The Steelers

The playoff games this weekend were a bit hit and miss, with the NFC providing little by way of thrills. The AFC, however, brought the big guns, and it all culminated in an exciting, intense showdown between the New England Patriots and the New York Jets. It only takes one look at the dejected state …

YEA OR NEIGH: Is Tom Brady The Worst?

We are in the thick of NFL playoffs, and with an epic Jets vs. Patriots showdown just around the corner, players from both teams are mouthing off. Getting the ball rolling was Antonio Cromartie of the Jets who accused Patriots QB Tom Brady of being an “asshole.” Why? He cited Tom’s questionable sportsmanship when he …

How To Earn $400,000 In Less Than Five Minutes

It’s a good thing I don’t run a NFL Betting Podcast because I can assure you many people would lose lots of money on my predictions (see my woeful fantasy football teams for proof). There’s really only one thing I can bet on with authority when it comes to the NFL, and that’s to never …

Brett Favre’s Little Problem

I know there’s money in NFL betting, but I’m starting to think gambling on the next celebrity cell phone scandal is where the future is. Brett Favre is the latest yutz to wind up in a dumb yet hilarious scandal involving voicemails (allegedly), and while his messages aren’t nearly as horrifying as Mel Gibson’s nor …

Braylon Edwards Gets a DWI (But At Least He Still Beat The Pats)

I love stupid athletes. In a city that has arguably some of the best public transportation in the world, Jets wide receiver / professional punk Braylon Edwards got himself drunk and arrested with a boozy .19 blood alcohol level. That’s more than twice the legal limit. No surprise here: Braylon found himself in jail. The …