Is It Ever Too Early?


It’s always dangerous for me to go to drug stores because I usually emerge with some impulsively purchased piece of candy. Yesterday, I found myself staring down a box of Cadbury Creme Eggs, and I had to ask myself: is January too early to partake in an Easter confection? And am I a bad Jew? I decided the answer to both was a resounding no. As is the case every year, I couldn’t deny myself the delicious, chocolatey, enamel-threatening treat. So I bought one and ate it, but not before snapping a few pics in honor of this candy’s triumphant seasonal return.
This is what happens when I get sick, people. I blog about minutae. I mean, really? Am I really about to post about a Cadbury Creme Egg? Even though there’s no hook or story to go with it? Really? Really? Eh, it’s Friday. No one’s reading anyway.

Continue reading “Is It Ever Too Early?”

My Prayers Have Been Answered: Behold, Wii Agatha Christie!!!!

We’ve seen Wii bowling, Wii boxing, Wii tennis, Wii baseball, Wii cooking, Wii fishing, and just about any other Wii-gerund you can think of, but none compare to this: WII AGATHA CHRISTIE! I don’t know who thought of mixing the titillating joys of this beloved mystery writer with the crowd-pleasing splendors of the Wii, but I say FINALLY. This is probably the very worst idea ever… or the very best. Whatever it is, I may just have to buy it.
Above is the trailer for the game, which tries ever so hard to play like an actual movie trailer, despite the rigid and comical movements of the animations.

Friday Linkage


I’m a little under the weather; so rather than compose a full post, I thought I’d just assemble some good old fashioned lovable links.

  • Rachel Ray suffers at the hands of a vengeful, silence-seeking waiter. [midseasonreplacements]
  • The Hills guide to Los Angeles. [Gridskipper]
  • The Monte Carlo Casino in Vegas has caught on fire. So yeah, don’t go to the top floor. [LA Times]
  • And because you want more crazy, here is the full 45 minute long, uncut version of the Tom Cruise Scientology video. I confess, I haven’t endeavored to watch the whole thing yet. [Digg]

Prettying Up Your Ugly Betty


Do the curtains match the carpet? It’s an essential question not just for monochromatic interior designers, but for curious men (and women) who seek to know if a lady’s hair color is uniformly aligned with the hues in the nether regions of her body. As we all know, not all blondes are natural, and nothing spills the beans more than a brown tuft of fuzzy revelation in the general pelvic area. Thankfully, for those seeking congruity in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, there’s a relatively new product on the market that addresses this need. It’s a gentle hair dying kit simply called BETTY.
Thankfully, Betty has a website, and since I’m dedicated to helping my readers choose only the best products for themselves, I urge you to join me as I explore this enchanting corner of the Internets…

Continue reading “Prettying Up Your Ugly Betty”

That's Right, I'm a VIP


Very few people reserve the title “VIP” for me. It’s mostly just my mom and dad and the occasional Hallmark card. However, despite my perpetual outsider status, I have risen to the VIP ranks thanks to the glorious travel website, Part of the SFO Media empire, the site boasts a wide variety of news, reviews and features on hotels around the world, and recently I was invited to contribute my own article about my experiences in Paris. Little did I realize that I would be labeled a VIP Hotel Reviewer. Hey, I’ll take what I can get. And yes, I will be flaunting that title in every hotel lobby, bar, and valet station that I can find. Holiday Inn —  you best be prepared.
Anyway, for those of you who wish to read about my hotel lodgings in Paris, feel free to click the link below.
• TV Buff Finds Cheap Lodging in the Heart of Paris’ Latin Quarter [HotelChatter]

New York Times Officially Ruins My Lunch Cravings


In one of the more disturbing articles of recent memory (or at least since I woke up this morning), the New York Times revealed that mercury levels are “cray cray high” in raw tuna sampled from twenty different Manhattan eateries. Okay, maybe they didn’t say “cray cray,” but they did use the equally alarmist phrase, “mercury levels so high that the Food and Drug Administration could take legal action to remove the fish from the market.” Cue the dramatic organ music.
Yes, apparently mercury and tuna are a match made in heaven, and the more expensive the fish, the higher the mercury. That’s because high-end tuna tends to come from fat fish, and fat fish tend to have consumed more mercury by virtue of being FAT. The good news is that the crappy stuff in the supermarket is probably the safest of the bunch, but the luxurious sashimi one might find at Nobu (or Nobu Next Door, which was cited in the article) could have higher mercury levels. Oy. It should be noted that yellowtail and albacore don’t carry the same threat.
Of course, a random sampling of Manhattan restaurants does not necessarily mean the results are the same countrywide. Experts in the article say it’s a high probability that mercury levels are similar elsewhere, but then again, that could just be the opinion of one man. Truth be told, this could be just one of those Chicken Little exposés, and while that may be the case, for now, consider me RATTLED.
And yet… I still really want some sushi for lunch now. ARGH.
• High Mercury Levels Are Found In Tuna Sushi [New York Times]

Oh Yeah. Oscars.


The 2007 Oscar nominations were released today, and overall there really weren’t too many surprises. Yeah, Sweeney Todd didn’t nab Best Picture or Best Director, but that wasn’t a total shock. I’m still pulling for No Country for Old Men over There Will Be Blood (which was totally snubbed in the Original Score department). I’m hoping to check out more of the nominated films over the next few weeks, but I have to admit that I’m not totally looking forward to the process. Atonement looks like it might be a chore-and-a-half to sit through, but then again, it might wind up being the best unintentional comedy of the year. I mean, when a movie is full of that much British stuffiness, it can’t help but to be a royal romp.
The full list of all the nominees, courtesy of, after the jump…

Continue reading “Oh Yeah. Oscars.”

Adventures in Domesticity


Recently, during my travels through the Internets, I came across a blog, Dessert First, that among other things, features a nifty section devoted to dessert recipes. Now, I’m no cook, and I’m certainly not a baker, but when I saw an entry devoted to chocolate tartlets, I became intrigued. Over the past few months, I’d become increasingly enamored with this simple pastry, and so it was with a ravenous curiosity that I clicked the link to see just how these tiny morsels of heaven are made. To my surprise, the recipe seemed startlingly easy —  so much so that I thought even I might be able to do it. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems though, and knowing this, I was sure to whip out my camera and document this culinary saga.

Continue reading “Adventures in Domesticity”