Like OMG! Best Documentary Ever!!


The Dark Knight may very well be the best movie of the summer, but right now, my favorite might have to be American Teen, the latest documentary from filmmaker Nanette Burstein. The film follows a handful of seniors from Warsaw, Indiana as they navigate the perils and joys of high school — all while following their dreams for a better life. There’s the dork, the outsider, the jock, the popular girl, and, of course, the dreamboat. It’s all very Breakfast Club, but without the moodiness. In short, it’s awesome.
Like, really awesome.
The film totally captures the essence of high school, from the hours wasted hanging out (and often drinking) in someone’s basement to the awkwardness of school dances to the pressure of college applications. And, of course, it’s all contained in an Oort cloud of petty drama that threatens to destroy these teens’ worlds at any moment. That’s not to say there’s no real substance here: the specters of suicide, manic-depression, and military service linger over many of the storylines. Still, this isn’t a film that weighs the audience down with the plight of America’s youth. It instead celebrates the teenage years, either sending us on a nostalgic journey back or making us happy that it’s over (or both).
Granted, there’s not a whole lot of stunning revelations in the picture, but that’s really okay. What American Teen may lack in social commentary, it more than makes up for in colorful, engaging characters. I loved watching these kids. I could have watched them for two more hours. I could have watched them for five more hours. Honestly, I simply didn’t want the movie to end. Some critics, however, have faulted the film for engaging in “MTV” tactics, complaining that the teens at time seem self-consciously aware of the cameras. However, this is just veiled snobbery at reality TV. Burstein obviously cops many techniques and styles from the genre, making American Teen a bit more akin to The Paper than Hoop Dreams. Still, just because she adopts a newer (dare I say, more current) approach doesn’t mean the documentary is any less legitimate. Besides, all documentaries engage in some sort of subject manipulation, going back to the silent era and Nanook of the North. Why some are suddenly haranguing American Teen for a long accepted practice seems odd to me. Ultimately, while some scenes obviously were affected by the cameras, the emotions and dialogue all feel real, authentic, and compelling. And for a movie that’s been accused of being staged, there’s a stunning number of hilarious (and heartbreaking) scenes that reflect a complete lack of self-awareness (a vicious prank calling incident comes to mind).
But hey, there’s no need to overanalyze this. American Teen is immensely watchable. It’s funny, bittersweet, engaging, and like, totally awesome! If it reaches your local multiplex, definitely try to see it.
For more information, check out the official website here.

YES! Sweet, Sweet Symmetry, pt. 2


Back in April, I brought you a death-defying picture of my odometer reaching 10101 miles. The binary symmetry was mind boggling. Well, now I have something even better: 11111 miles.
Luckily, I just so happened to have had a camera on me, and since I wasn’t on a highway like last time, I pulled over onto a residential street in Beverly Hills and snapped a photo safe and sound. I’m still riding the high.



This past Saturday, I had to make my first ever visit to Apple’s Genius Bar (a.k.a. help desk) as my poor little iMac seemed to have come down with the vapors. While I waited for my name to come up in the queue, I couldn’t help but notice a strange young man standing nearby, aimlessly perusing the Apple Store’s wares. What caught my attention was that he was wearing feminine jeans and a long, blonde wig. How odd, I thought. He sort of reminded me of YouTube sensation Chris Crocker, of “Leave Britney Alone!” fame, but as far as I knew Chris Crocker had short, streaked hair. I don’t know why the thought of him wearing a wig was so out of the realm of possibilities — especially when this person was so obviously wearing a wig — but my mind wasn’t thinking straight. I had an ailing computer to tend to.
Well, sure enough, the Apple people called out the next person in the Genius Bar queue.
“Chris C.? Chris C.?”
And just like that, the peculiar little ladyboy perked up and moseyed on over to the counter. INDEED IT WAS CHRIS CROCKER! Now, I don’t want to say I was star-struck — it’s more like the exact opposite — however, I couldn’t help thinking how hilarious it was that I was basically standing at the Genius Bar next to one of the internet’s biggest curiosities. If only Tay Zonday could have shown up too. It would have been like the Weezer video all over again. Anyway, I knew I had to capture this bizarre encounter; so I busted out my camera phone and did one of those “I’m on the phone, but not really because I’m TAKING A PICTURE OF YOU” moves. I don’t think anyone noticed. The downside is that the image turned out to be pretty bad (you can only see his wig), but trust me, ’twas him.
I love Los Angeles.

The 'Pineapple Express' Billboard is Smokin'!


The Sunset Strip gets a lot of unique billboards, the most recent being this one advertising the upcoming Judd Apatow posse movie, Pineapple Express. As you can tell from my camera phone pic, the pineapple actually emits smoke. Kind of cool. Unfortunately, just as I snapped the photo, a gust of wind blew the smoke over, making it look like a passing cloud, but trust me, it’s smoke (or rather, fake smoke).
Of course, it probably won’t be too much time before confused drivers think the actual billboard is on fire. My friend, IndianJones, revealed yesterday that he almost crashed his car when he first gazed upon the ad. Then again, an errant leaf could cause IndianJones to crash; so that’s not really saying much.
Anyway, the point of the story is that if you see this billboard smoking, don’t worry. There is no fire. Just good old fashioned marketing.

AM I A DOUCHE? 'Dark Knight' Edition

Batman is Hey guys i’m premiering today!

As everyone and their mothers knows (except for perhaps mine), The Dark Knight hit theaters at 12:01 AM today, and since then, Facebook has been under siege with Dark Knight status updates. I really thought Sex and the City and Indiana Jones brought a lot of repetitive updates, but they’re nothing compared to this blockbuster. Don’t get me wrong — I’m suuuper excited to see the movie, but how many times do I really need to hear that people are in line for, at the theater for, just came back from, and want to see again The Dark Knight? It’s been getting a bit overwhelming; so I did the only thing I felt I could do: make an anti-status update:
“Ben is no offense to everyone, but the Dark Knight status updates are getting ridiculous.”
I felt so smug and satisfied after posting that, but then I got to thinking… am I a douche? Am I just raining on other people’s parades? Most likely yes. And am I opening myself up for similar “hater” status updates? Quite possibly. However, I still feel ardently that the status updates ARE getting ridiculous (and knowing my friends, they’ll all go out of their way to make Dark Knight status updates now). So what should I do? Respect my fellow Facebook peers and let them relish in Batman enthusiasm without a hint of self-consciousness? Or do I be true to myself and advertise just how I feel about all these shenanigans?
DILEMMA. What do you think?
(Oh, and speaking of Facebook, feel free to become a fan B-Side Blog here)

Rami Kashou Attacked By Vengeful Anti-Draping Enthusiast


Taking the word “fierce” to new (or perhaps old?) levels, Project Runway finalist Rami Kashou was allegedly involved in some sort of brawl at a West Hollywood gay bar Thursday night. Details are sketchy, but according to one eyewitness, an attacker hurled a martini glass at Kashou’s face, causing massive bleeding (and surely the ruination of a half unbuttoned shirt). The sassy glass chucker was immediately ejected from the premises as an ambulance ferreted the reality star off to the hospital.
No word on what started the incident, but we’ll just assume it had to do with Rami wanting to turn the guy’s shirt into a long, flowing toga. For more information, including a firsthand account, click here.

Kathy Griffin Reads The Blogs (Or At Least One Of Them)


For three and a half seasons, Kathy Griffin has been tirelessly showcasing her sometimes less-than-glamorous world on Bravo’s My Life On The D-List, and even though she claims to be at the bottom of the barrel, she’s now an Emmy winner and recent double-nominee. Pretty impressive. Nevertheless, the controversial comic sat down with Seth Abramovitch of Defamer (apparently one of her favorite blogs) to talk about all things Woz, LC, and Bravo related. The result is a fairly hilarious interview with the sort of candid insights we’ve come to expect from her.
Seriously, it’s really funny.

Comedy Central Takes On Reality TV

My old college chum works at Comedy Central, and he gave me a heads up on a new show premiering tonight called Reality Bites Back. Basically, a bunch of comedians (including reality veteran Theo Von from Road Rules and umpteen Challenges) will be stuck together competing in weekly events that parody real life reality shows. Tonight’s premiere takes on Big Brother, among other things. I haven’t seen the full episode, but Andy Dehnart at Reality Blurred has, and he happily reports that it’s very funny. For now, enjoy the first ten minutes posted above, and if you want to check out the show, it premieres tonight on Comedy Central at 10:30 PM EST.

Why You Hating On Us, BEN & JERRY'S???

Hold me closer, tiny ice cream.

My heart skipped a beat today when I saw that there’d be a brand new flavor rolling out of the Ben & Jerry’s factory this month. Surely I would have to sample this latest batch of frozen paradise. But then I learned a horrid, horrid truth. The new flavor would only be available for one week… and only in VERMONT.
Why, Ben & Jerry’s? WHY? Adding insult to injury, the new flavor looks oh-so-good. Titled “Goodbye Yellow Brickle Road” as an ode to Elton John (who’ll be playing his first Vermont concert this month), the ice cream features “an outrageous symphony of decadent chocolate ice cream, peanut butter cookie dough, butter brickle and white chocolate chunks.”
Me == salivating at the mouth.
I can’t believe such an affable organization as Ben & Jerry’s would deign to tease us with this flavor, knowing that only a small population of the country will have access to it — and only for a limited time at that! It’s not right, I tell you. It’s not right! Ice cream flavors should last longer than a candle in the wind, if you will. Don’t let the sun go down on me, Ben & Jerry’s! The circle of life for this ice cream should be longer, more expansive! I want to eat it at the club at the end of the street!!!
Okay, I’ll stop.
For more on this unlawful ice cream situation, check out the full article here.

Blogging Is No Day At The Beach — Except When It Is


The best part about being a full-time writer is that I get to make my own schedule (most of the time); so when my old friend IndianJones proposed going to the beach on his day off from work, I was more than happy to accept the offer — even if it meant abandoning my bedroom/office in the middle of the day. However, just because I was away from my computer didn’t mean I was away from my blogging. I of course brought my camera with and documented all the excitement that ensued. One word: seagulls.

Continue reading “Blogging Is No Day At The Beach — Except When It Is”