Oh By The Way, Here's The Season Premiere of '30 Rock' (!!!!)

Tina Fey is white hot right now, and in an effort to translate that into a ratings boost for 30 Rock, NBC is… um… what is NBC doing? Well, they certainly haven’t been taking advantage of the buzz, opting to launch the third season who knows when. Apparently the plan was to promote the heck …

SNL Proves To Be A Pleasant Thursday Diversion

Saturday Night Live aired its first of three Thursday night specials last night, and the results were pretty good. A skit making fun of Tuesday’s debate was enjoyable, even if it didn’t reach the instant-classic levels of last Saturday’s vice presidential sendup. Plus, a double segment of Weekend Update was for the most part funny, …

And Now The Most Ridiculous Debate Of The Day

In a campaign littered with ridiculous controversies, here’s one that ranks near the top of the pack in terms of sheer silliness. The issue at hand: Newsweek’s un-retouched cover of Sarah Palin. According to Republican media consultant Andrea Tantaro, the brutal close-up image is a “clear slap in the face at Sarah Palin,” especially when …

'Mad Men' Continues To Be Television's Best Source of Passive-Aggressive Dialogue

I may not have been writing about it as intensively as before, but Mad Men still rocks my world. Last night’s episode was no exception, even if Joan was once again kept on the sidelines. That’s okay though. She doesn’t have much to do most episodes, but her handful of lines and furtive glares usually …

SNL Hits It Out of the Ballpark Again

Saturday Night Live has been on a much publicized role with its coverage of this fall’s campaign season, and that’s mostly thanks to Tina Fey’s instant classic take on Sarah Palin. Last night’s episode proved no exception with a razor-sharp opening skit that skewered not only Palin, but Joe Biden and even Gwen Ifill (played …

Rachel Ray Touches Corn Like It's A PENIS!

Nothing’s funnier than an unintentionally phallic moment, especially when it comes from the ever peppy Rachel Ray. On yesterday’s episode of her talk show, our ever enthusiastic hostess welcomed a guest onto the program who revealed her very special way of removing corn silk. Needless to say, it was highly suggestive, and all of us …

There's Hope for Comedy on TV After All…

There’s something exceptionally thrilling about watching talented people working together to create TV comedy. Such is the case with this clip from Late Night with Conan O’Brien. It features Julia Louis-Dreyfus, among others, engaging in some post-Emmy shenanigans in the hallowed halls of 30 Rock — a place where I once served as a wee intern …