Things have really not been so hot for the Heroes team on Survivor. Not only are they less interesting as a whole than the Villains, but they’re also significantly lacking in the skills department. To date, they’ve only won one challenge all season, and no matter what they do, they can’t seem to get their …
Category Archives: Television
REAL HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Battle of the Barbecues
Based on the way season two of Real Housewives of New York City ended, you’d never believe that Jill, LuAnn, and Kelly would be in a clique pitted against the other women, but that’s exactly how this young cycle has been turning out. Tension is still thick between the feuding parties of Ramona and LuAnn …
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REAL HOUSEWIVES PREVIEW: Countless Accusations
There’s another new episode of Real Housewives of New York City on tonight, and if the preview clips are any indication, we’ll be in store for more insanity, courtesy of Ramona and LuAnn. As you may remember from last week, the two had a blow-out on a boat after LuAnn expressed displeasure at Ramona’s husband …
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AMERICAN IDOL RECAP: Semifinals From Hell Are Almost Done
I thought I’d switch things up a little this week and write about the boyz and the girlz of American Idol all in one post. Why? Well, because I forgot to write about the girls yesterday. Nevertheless, after enduring a third improved but not necessarily exciting week of semifinals, we are poised to learn who …
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After an egregious, abhorrent one week absence, Kell On Earth returned to the airwaves Monday night, and while FUCKING FASHION WEEK is now over, the stress remains high and intense at the offices of People’s Revolution. This latest episode focused on the trials and tribulations of Stephanie Skinner, who seemed to be crumbling under the …
Andy Richter Talks About Conan, Jay, and NBC
Coco-gate may have settled down lately, but the emotions are still pretty raw. This morning, Andy Richter filled in for Regis on Live with Regis and Kelly, and for the first time, he discussed the entire experience, offering some refreshingly candid — if perhaps a bit guarded (if that makes sense) — remarks about the …
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REAL HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: ‘New York’ Ladies Are Back, and Bitchier Than Ever!
After last Thursday’s epic, jaw-dropping season finale of Real Housewives of Orange County, I thought nothing could stun me more that evening. However, the good people at Bravo weren’t done assaulting me with petty arguments and passive-aggressive quips (a.k.a. my favorite types of entertainment). Along came the season premiere of The Real Housewives of New …
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OC HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: All Good Things Come To An End
Raise your hand if your mind was totally blown by this most magnificent Real Housewives of Orange County finale? It was a spectacular hour of passive aggression and tears, thanks in part to free flowing booze but also the boorish behavior of some of the males on this show. I just knew we were in …
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The Power of A Mom Haircut
I didn’t watch American Idol last night because honestly, my DVR was blowin’ up at 8 PM, and if I have to choose between Survivor, Community, and a one hour results show featuring Danny Gokey, guess which one’s getting dropped? And so it was with great shame that I sacrificed Idol for the greater good, …
‘Community’ Is Amazing
Modern Family has all the buzz, but I think after having watched last night’s episode of Community, it’s the Joel McHale-led ensemble that is the best new sitcom of the season. Honestly, this latest episode was genius; definitely the funniest thus far. This isn’t to detract from Modern Family whatsoever. Obviously that show is very …