For a season that started off on the dull side, things have been out of control the past few weeks. Last night definitely marked the dumbest move ever, ever, EVER on the show’s sixteen season history. To see what happened, watch the clip above…
Category Archives: Television
TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: 'Til Death (or Bad Pasta) Do You Part
Now that Big Brother is over and done, I can focus on other shows to make fun of, and what better choice than Top Chef, the jewel in the culinary genre’s crown? Last night’s episode eschewed “Restaurant Wars” for “Wedding Wars,” resulting in an enjoyably cranky episode full of several dramatic flare ups. The end …
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Hills Spoof of the Day
These days, Hills spoofs are a dime a dozen, but this one is actually pretty good. It’s not perfect, but the UCLA kids that put this together definitely picked up on many subtle Hills-isms. If only they had included some sort of Lisa Love character… Thanks to Jose for forwarding this to me.
Idols Sing From The Rock and Roll Hall of BLAH
Photo via So of course the one week I step away from American Idol all the controversy hits. Paula judged two songs after only hearing one! She’s crazy! Oh well. It would have been fun to have blogged about that, but honestly, if given the choice between missing a classic Paula moment or listening …
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OMFG: Could It Be True??? Serena? With the Candlestick? In the Study?
FOR SHAME, SERENA! FOR SHAME! Who would have thought last night’s Gossip Girl gay pride celebration could ever be upstaged, especially by anything stemming from the previously tiresome (now AMAZING) Michelle Trachtenberg storyline? BUT IT WAS. OH IT WAS. If you haven’t seen the episode, you must watch it immediately. Not only did it have …
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BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: One Last Time With Feeling
When I was away in Europe, Big Brother wrapped up its season, and I just couldn’t let it go to the grave without one last photocap. I know a lot of people really detested this latest go-around, but I loved it. And for the first time in four seasons, I actually was happy with the …
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LO AND BEHOLD: Three's A Crowd
Hello everyone. After a two week hiatus, I’m back to writing Hills recaps. I sincerely tried to write them in Europe, but it was simply too hard to be snarky when there was so much bewildering television on. I apologize for the lack of content, but rest assured I am back and ready to dig …
I wrote this a few nights ago, but I didn’t have the internet access to post it until now… Prague may offer many exciting nightlife options, but I’m more content to sit in my hotel room and watch TV. That’s right. I don’t need beer or fun or good times. I just need multi-lingual televised …
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Yew Know Wut? Yew Don't Owe Me An Amazingly Melodramatic Eviction, But Ya Kinda Dew!
It’ll be a while before CBS posts screen caps from last night’s excellent Big Brother episode; so in the meantime, enjoy this hilariously ridiculous eviction — complete with sobs, dramatic statements, technical gaffes, and, of course, Chenbot sympathy. Bonus points for the surprise appearance of Sheila’s catch phrase: “Adam didn’t really owe me anything….” If …
BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The Rare Tuesday Chenbot Appearance
How delighted was I to find Julie Chen greeting us at the beginning of last night’s Big Brother? The last thing I expected was to see her smiling face, but there she was. I should have realized that there’d be an eviction, what with the number of remaining guests left in the house. There was …
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